Any ideas?


Jun 8, 2020
When I bought her as a chick I was told she is a blue laced red wyandotte. Im not an expert on how they
mature,but does anyone have any thoughts on her coloring?
Can you get a comb shot? She should be rose combed, if a proper Wyandotte (although single combs crop up frequently, though a default).

Thus far looks pullet (from pale, small comb, wattles.) Lacing seems fairly even, though still undeveloped. No color bars on wings.

However, that is NOT a blue-laced. It looks to be a gold laced.

And actually it looks more like a Gold Laced Barnevelder, with the black hackles, rather than gold...which is why I asked about comb. Barnevelder will have a single comb.

She looks very Barnevelder in development to me. If rose combed, she is a Golden Laced Wyandotte.

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That sure looks like a single comb in the photo to me. (You close up eye can tell best. Early rose combs look like little horse shoes with the luck running down the beak, indent in the middle).

That doesn't mean it *isn't* a Wyandotte, as many commercial quality Wyandottes have single combs (though culled from serious breeders)....but I'd lay odds you've got a nice Gold Laced Barnvelder there.

Eggs will tell the difference. If a reasonable Barnevelder line, you'll get terra cotta colored eggs (breeder quality will be fairly dark). Wyanottes are more middle tan....though lines vary.


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