Any issues with bantams living together with standard-sized hens?


Apr 23, 2022
Lehi, Utah
New to chicken keeping here. We have four young hens at the moment (see them here). Considering that this can quickly turn into an addiction of sorts, we may want to add a handful more next year. Having lived in Belgium for a time, I'm very intrigued by Barbu d'Uccle chickens...they're rad, and also bantams. Are there any issues with bantams and standards living together (assuming they all have enough personal space)? Thanks!
I haven't had any issues with mixing sizes. However, I picked breeds that are known to be calm and get along well with others. I also cull any overly aggressive birds from the flock. Though that's only been one hen and a young rooster (about 18 months) so far. Funny enough that rooster was the son of that hen.

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