Any one else own a Skunk ?


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Agawam , Ma
Well i went to an auction in ohio this past week and came home with a couple of new pets and one of them is a 7 week old skunk . Shes is just like having another cat in the house with just alot more personality .
Skunks are in the weasle family (Mephitis) - same as ferrets, badgers, and your general long and short-tailed weasles. This means that DIGGING is "hard-wired", as is hunting - for grubs, chickens, whatever. I've heard they make excellent companions, IF you can contain them, and that may take a significant amount of effort on your part. They can live up to 12 years. Are you prepared for that, or is this a critter that's going to be caged for it's whole life? If it were me, (and I've owned ferrets, so it wouldn't be), I would contact a wildlife re-hab organization, and see what info they may have for you. This may not be the best site for that, but GOOD LUCK to you!
As long as its the legal kind (not a native species of skunk) good for you. They make great cats. We had one named Stinky when I was growing up. There really easy to bath because they just latch on to your arm but they always have a musk smell. Do not let it around space heaters. It will lay up by them an catch fire. You also need a trash can with a latching lid.

There called polecats around here.
I have done a TON of research on owning a skunk as a pet because they are so stinkin cute!!! They are VERY clingy, they need to be with someone, very close almost 24/7 their first few months of life. They are not very particular about who it is, just that they are snuggled closely, almost like a baby. They are VERY mischievious creatures too. If you think cats are bad with tearing up things, LOOK OUT! They are worse than ferrets when it comes to stealing things and hoarding them. They will always be a needy animal, make sure you have the time for it, play with it ALOT and keep it close to you at night. Otherwise your toilet paper will be non-existent in the morning.

Peanut you made a great choice in a pet, just know what they need to be happy. Feel free to PM me if you have more questions. Like I said, I did so much research on pet skunks I could teach a class.

ETA: Don't cage it. It will miserable. They can be box trained too.
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Skunks are in the weasle family (Mephitis) - same as ferrets, badgers, and your general long and short-tailed weasles. This means that DIGGING is "hard-wired", as is hunting - for grubs, chickens, whatever. I've heard they make excellent companions, IF you can contain them, and that may take a significant amount of effort on your part. They can live up to 12 years. Are you prepared for that, or is this a critter that's going to be caged for it's whole life? If it were me, (and I've owned ferrets, so it wouldn't be), I would contact a wildlife re-hab organization, and see what info they may have for you. This may not be the best site for that, but GOOD LUCK to you!

I guess i should of re worded it . Dont think i just went to the auction and said hey cool a skunk ill buy it . I have re habbed wild skunks in the past but have always released them back into the wild .

I have done research on them as i have always wanted one as a pet , And on top of that i work at a zoo and take care of the skunks that are at the zoo both spotted and normal skunks

debradiamond thanks , Ill be sure to be Pming you
Really ?? they had a few at the action even had an albino female . But i was told they can give you worms ?? That was the tun off for me lol .
Really ?? they had a few at the action even had an albino female . But i was told they can give you worms ?? That was the tun off for me lol .

I've never heard of that. As long as any animal is healthy, it shouldn't have worms at all. My dad had a raccoon as a pet years and years ago, and it was very tame and never really caused problems. A few years ago some friends of mine got a raccoon and it was nothing but trouble, they got her when she was too old and they never could quite tame her.
A skunk is another form of a ferret or any other weasel. Except skunks love their people tremendously! I am planning on getting one when I retire. There is no one home during the day and that thing would be so unhappy.
Lucky! I HATE you!

*i'm kidding..i luv you!...* can i come see him??

uuh, wait..does he have his stinker removed??

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