Any roosters in this bunch?


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2018
Cedar Rapids, IA
I bought these chicks from TSC. Employee was sure they were all pullets but you know how that goes sometimes. I need to fix this issue soon and replace the roosters (if there are any). Any guesses would be great! I included what breed they are supposed to be as well, in case that helps at all. The Golden Laced Wyandotte and Australorp may be switched around, I really cannot tell which one is which, I'm a newbie.

1. Red Ranger, Straight Run

2. Golden Laced Wyandotte, Straight Run

3. Golden Comet, Pullet Bin

4. Golden Comet, Pullet Bin

5. Australorp, Straight Run

6. Road Island Red, Straight Run
I believe they are all about three weeks old? I just want to be sure I can do it early enough that integrating new chicks will be easier.
I believe Golden Comets are sex-links, so with the right feather pattern they are definitely female. I would just watch out for chicks that begin to get red/bigger crests early on or sometimes develop feathers slower than the others because that usually indicates a roo. Post pictures every week or two for more clarity, best of luck!

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