Any scat experts? Help me identify this critter!


5 Years
Mar 28, 2014
Something has been digging around my coop and run at night and last night it left some evidence behind. I googled some pics and it looks like fox scat to me. What do you all think?


Thankfully we haven't had any losses yet but I'd like to know what we're dealing with and try to take every possible precaution. Thanks!!
Thanks Mary! I think the coop/run is pretty secure. The coop is elevated off the ground, hardware cloth on all windows. The run is completely covered with welded wire, and hardware cloth at the bottom 2' and aproned around the perimeter, plus paving stones on top of that around most of it. I also have electric poultry netting which I use to let the girls semi-free range but I haven't set it up since the winter (need to charge up the battery.) I will get on that though and I'm thinking I'll leave it turned on for the next several nights. Maybe a good shock would be an effective deterrent?

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