Any skunk breeders on here ?


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Agawam , Ma
Looking for skunk breeders in Michigan , New Jersey , or Pennsylvania .

Its not for me but for a friend . They know what they are getting into and have done all the research . They also have there permit to own a skunk in our state , there just isnt any breeders around us .

Also looking for Richardson ground squirrels if any one has any . Ill pay to have them shipped in . I have the permits foir them . They will be used in educational programs at the zoo i work at . We have some now but there re getting up there in age and its time to retire them
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She is doing great , Hasnt torn anything up yet( nock on wood ).
She's eating her vegetables along with her kitten chow . She just started LATE last night using her litter box .

i have to lock all my windows and doors and set the alarm now when ever i leave , Cuz redhen knows where i live and wants her bad real bad !
She is doing great , Hasnt torn anything up yet( nock on wood ).
She's eating her vegetables along with her kitten chow . She just started LATE last night using her litter box .

i have to lock all my windows and doors and set the alarm now when ever i leave , Cuz redhen knows where i live and wants her bad real bad !

Why would you ever tell red where you live???

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