Any tips on training my new lgd pups?

Yeah, and once they hit adulthood, they're pretty content to be bored anyway.

Our guy just turned 2yo last month, and he's been in a 3'x7' stall (in our mudroom
) for 3-1/2 weeks now. He just lays there. He's happy to see us, and he's happy to go out and walk around a while, but when we want him to go back he goes. And he lays down. And sleeps. Occasionally he might chew the big smoked bone we threw in there, or maybe 'crib' a little on the 2x4s...but mostly he just lays around.

Like I say...they're really good at being bored.
Yeah, and once they hit adulthood, they're pretty content to be bored anyway.

Our guy just turned 2yo last month, and he's been in a 3'x7' stall (in our mudroom
) for 3-1/2 weeks now. He just lays there. He's happy to see us, and he's happy to go out and walk around a while, but when we want him to go back he goes. And he lays down. And sleeps. Occasionally he might chew the big smoked bone we threw in there, or maybe 'crib' a little on the 2x4s...but mostly he just lays around.

Like I say...they're really good at being bored.

Why's he confined?
Yeah, and once they hit adulthood, they're pretty content to be bored anyway.

Our guy just turned 2yo last month, and he's been in a 3'x7' stall (in our mudroom
) for 3-1/2 weeks now. He just lays there. He's happy to see us, and he's happy to go out and walk around a while, but when we want him to go back he goes. And he lays down. And sleeps. Occasionally he might chew the big smoked bone we threw in there, or maybe 'crib' a little on the 2x4s...but mostly he just lays around.

Like I say...they're really good at being bored.

Why's he confined?

He blew out his cranial cruciate ligament. Had surgery on 2/24, and post-op requires him to be confined for "3-4 weeks"...which was later revised to "4-6 weeks"....which has most recently been revised to "4-8 weeks."

Not because his condition isn't improving, mind you -- it is, day by day.. It just seems like everytime I have a conversation with someone at the vet's office, the recommended duration of "quiet" time gets longer and longer. I'm starting to think they do that to trick people into going ahead with the surgery...3-4 weeks doesn't sound so bad, and once it's done, it's done.

We thought he'd be miserable, but frankly, he seems to be enjoying the time off.

If he's in pretty good shape by 6 weeks, we're thinking he gets moved to a smaller fenced enclosure (1/3rd acre, maybe?) to hang out with our two bucks. Not that he wouldn't run and carry on in that space, but at some point keeping him confined is going to hit a point of diminishing returns through atrophy of that leg. Hopefully it'll be nice and warm out by then, because when the weather starts to warm up in the spring and he's still got his snowsuit on...well, he usually starts looking for cool, shady places to sleep the day. That would be good...

Heck, if the vet recommends, we could even lock him in a 7'x16' steel cattle trailer at night. He'd probably like that, actually..

Soooooo, anyway. That's why he's confined. Ya know, in a nutshell.

I'm not one to ramble.

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