Anybody Breeding Silver Fox rabbits



Peepin N' Cheepin
11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
Was woundering how old you guys breed your meat does? I have a 4 month old blue Silver Fox doe and Im not going to show her or anything. Just want to breed her for some meat babys. I have heard some poeple say 6 months and some people say to wait till 9 months. What do you guys do?

Here is my Doe

My buck

Just had to show pics.
We have Silver Fox and just love ours! They're fabulous Mommas, with a really nice pelt, plus they dress out really well too!

You can't show blues anyways, well, you *can* show them, but just for comments, they can't win a leg or compete for BIS or anything.

You don't have them together, do you? I have had some breed in grow out as young as 4 months, that is always quite the surprise!

I start breeding mine somewhere between 6-8 months, depending on if I am done showing it, if the doe is willing, if the buck is willing, etc.

You can stunt their growth slightly if you breed them before they make Sr weight, but If you are not showing, it doesn't matter I guess.

Hope that helps! Love your blues, we have a young litter of blues too, and I am hopefully another litter due today!

I too breed my Silver Foxes at 6-8 months. It depends on my plans for the doe, the litter, and what buck I want to put her with. Congratulations on your SFs. I love mine.
I raise Silver Fox in Black and Blue. 6 years now, I breed for show meat and pets.
General rule for Silver fox is 8 months or 8 lbs which ever comes first.
I know other breeders who breed them at 6 months and have had some of the product of the younger breeding's.
Usually a doe bred before 8 months old tend to stay on the small side and have issues kindling.
Silver fox are noted for having large litters between 6 -10 at one time. some smaller younger does will have problems taking care of that many babies as inexperience will usually leave most of the babies cold on the bottom of the nest box.

Your little Blues are very nice animals.

FYI Silver Fox dress out with a 65 % meat to bone ratio, making them one of the better meat rabbits.
Pelting one is the easiest I have ever dressed out. even 10 week old dress out easily.
Enjoy your Fox they are sweet rabbits, wonderful mothers and when you do breed them they make excellent foster mothers for another doe who is clueless when her babies arrive.

Add a black fox if you are breeding and going to use the pelts, the black will stabilize the blue color making it stay the correct color.
tons of information at the National Site. please visit and consider joining us Fox enthusiasts.
Hey Gypsy!
*Waves from NY*

Speaking of early breedings, LOL My 6/8 doe just had a litter this am, 4 fat healthy kits, one stillborn on the wire. (The buck only bred her once at a show, and he hadn't been used for a LONG time, so it was probably old sperm!

Plus, I think all 4 all blues!
Thanks for the responses. No I dont keep them together and I think someone read my mind, Im picking up a black silver fox doe this weekend when I pick up my trio of Blanc de Hotots. Ill just have these two breeds, I love the rare breeds and Im truly In LOVE with these silver fox. I know you cant get any points or anything for the blues but I thought it might be fun to show him anyway. Get out and meet other bunny folks.

One more question, My doe started growling at me today??? I have never heard a rabbit growl before. She did not lunge at me nor run away and her ears stayed up the whole time did not pin them back or anything, anyone know what this means?
Yes she is a bit afraid of something, dont let her fool you into thinking she is being aggressive, they are not really hard wired like that.
as long as she isnt lunging at you take her out and snuggle for a little bit. that way she wont be cage territoral,and will be more acceptant of you getting in there.
Do you know how well she was socialized as a kit? mine are mucked with from the minute they are born and usually you can walk around with them like a stuffy toy.
I have had a few growl warnings at me, silly things I wont stand for it and just the act of takiing them out of their space usually solves the problem.

the worse snarly growly rabbit I have ever encountered is a 2 lb Netherland Dwarf that wasnt properly socialized as a kit. I named her Emily Snotty Pants.
I just look at them and say ummm silly I am 200 lbs you are 2 lbs you really want to go there? lol.

Showing the Blues for exhibition is a great way to get them where people can see them and gain interest for the breed. I am forever throwing a blue up and getting the response fromthe judge of" Oh if only they were recognized, this would be my Best Of Breed" Frustrating but wonderfull at the same time.

SashasMom are you going to the Fulton Show? Silver Fox are sanctioned wheee points lol.
As far as I know right now I will be attending. I know Dawn will be there with her Fox also.
This is my Senior Blue Doe. in this picture I think she had just turned 11 months old


one of the first litters of fox babies


Biggest Silver Fox I have owned
Big Jake 12.8 lbs of Fox

Most definately ,
age, adult or baby??
I have a trio of unrelated right now, doe has a white spot on her nose but it wont effect Kit color.
I have 2 litters due next month, both litters with blue, unless one decides to skunk me out again.

when would you like to get them , I am not but an hour out of Keene and about 90 minutes to Brattleboro.

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