Anybody have any allergic reaction to the home made laundry soap?

I just got to thinking of you going home and telling your DH that he can't have cappucinno because someone on BYC said that might be causing his hives!!!

My DH is getting used to me telling him things from this site and he'll even say Why don't you ask those people on BYC!

I know you can develope new allergies from even being around things for 40yrs, so I wouldn't downplay the job part as not being involved in the hives. They could have changed the products they use in cleaning, products in what they are producing, basically anything and that could be what it's from. But your right, try the Tide 1st and then go from there!
It could even be something environmental in the air that is causing his hives. I get them if I am near peanut fields that are being plowed. I always assumed it was a peanut allergy until my doctor told me it was the mold that gets in the air from the fields.
I haven't figured out how to paste a link to another thread, but the recipe is here in the recipe section and there is all sorts of good information in that thread. We both love the soap!
Sounds to me like he's allergic to something in the cappuccino, something in unwashed new clothes, and something at work. He needs to see if anything new is being done at work. As for new clothes, neither my son or I can wear new clothes before they are washed without itching. You can actually smell the chemicals in the clothing in many clothing stores. Seems like I read somewhere they have formaldehyde in them.
2 cups Borax, 2 cups washing soda (Arm and Hammer, NOT their laundry detergent,) and a grated bar of Fels Naptha or Zote soap. I also add 1 cup powdered nonchlorine bleach. A little white vinegar used in the final rinse is a good idea as well. Use 2 Tbsp per load.

You can also buy sodium carbonate in the pool chemicals section; it is a pH balancer.
OK--went to the doc and (this is why we love our doctor) he said, "we could spend thousands on testing, and find out your allergic to aspens in Colorado, or you can go home and put a little bit of that soap on a small place on your arm, cover it with a band aid and wait. You'll know within a few hours if it's the soap." Meanwhile, DH had completely changed his clothes and dug around the back of the closet for something he hasn't worn for a while. Yes, including socks. He was all cleared up by the appointment. The doc thinks it might be one of his meds that has built up in his system.
We put the detergent on him about 10am this morning and put the band aid on. He's good so far! YAY! But I'm hoping now that its only the meds, which he is stopping. If it isn't that we're thinking the oil at work, which is awful.

Toletiquebysom! LOL yeah, I sure did tell him I had an APB out on the forum. He's used to it. He said, "what'd they say?"
He trusts you guys, too!
Hope your Dh is feeling better,
my Dh had hives so bad was in ER twice in on day from not using gloves and cleaning gutters..

Glad yours changed the sox too you never know..

Are you and your husband having stress filled lives right now? About 7 years ago I had a point in my life that was horrible for about 2 or 3 years broke out in hives constantly hives on the bottoms of your feet make it really hard to walk, doctors were mistified finally saw my midwife as I had became pregnant again and she put me on a allergy type med but told me less stress!! Well that is not always so easy. Come to find out it was stress as I was able to quit the meds and have not broken out in hives in 4 years.

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Thanks again for the well wishes. We're pretty sure it was the hydrochlorothiazide. His blood pressure med. I have no idea if I spelled that right, but its a fairly common bp med. and it can build up in your system.
The band-aid test with the detergent was good. No problem there. He broke out a little today and I think it is because of being in the sun and having that medicine build up. You're supposed to stay out of the sun when you're on that one. But it wasn't as bad as the last couple of days so we're hoping its working its way out.
Stress could absolutely be a factor, luvz. Never thought about that but the plant is closing in July. He doesn't seemed stressed but he may be. Thanks for the heads up!
I know I'm late reading this, but wanted to share that I use grated Ivory bar soap in my homemade laundry soap. It seems much milder. My DH works construction and here on our small farm, so he gets his clothes really dirty - grease, mud, manure. The soap does a good job. I do use a pre-wash treatment sometimes.

addiedunn, glad your husband passed the soap test. Hope he gets the meds figured out and stays healthy. Sorry, to hear about the plant closing. Seems to be happening alot here in Indiana.


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