Anybody here a libertarian?

No ma'am. True blue conservative repub. here (but I don't vote yet, so I'm not much of a threat until campaign time.

Joerogrz: your reply made me giggle.
PurpleChicken: your reply made me chortle.
To whoever it was that mentioned the librarian thing: you owe me a keyboard. Mine now has sweet tea droplets on it. Thank you. Thank you tons.

[edit #2:] punctuation error.
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Yes, 'tis why I said repub in my post.

Which I should edit. Because I didn't put my period after it, so now it looks weird and is going to bother me.

[edit:] apparently I can't type tonight.
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Not sure I agree on their stance on immigration, and well some of their theories on foreign policy sound good, I'm not sure how good they would actually work.

I dont know too much yet about the constitution party, but what little I've read seems as though although they agree about adhereing to the constitution, they feel more regulation is okay as long as it is in favor of Christianity. Now, I'm a Christian, albeit rather wayward, but I dont believe we need to regulate Christianity into the government. Correct me mahonri if I am wrong about this issue.
Interesting question, and on a backyard chicken forum, to boot. Especially in light of the recent DHS report warning against those who may be members of***hold your breath*** 'THIRD PARTIES' and those who may have likely voted for some from the...of all things...CONSTITUTION PARTY or other parties outside of the BIG TWO.

Sounds like a mean...misdirected question on a forum of people dedicated to raising chickens. According to the DHS report, people who raise chickens and grow their own food qualify as RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS.

If any of you haven't read that report, you need to do that, now. This federal government agency is branding veterans, conservatives, people whose interests lie in social issues such as homosexual and abortion debates (only on the conservative side, though...of course) as potential terrorists and worthy of federal OBSERVATION.

Interesting how there isn't a report out from this organization warning federal agencies about the potential dangers of LEFT WING EXTREMISTS (i.e. those who espouse the advantages of federal confiscation of the instruments of self-defense; unlimited social and political tyranny on the governed; stifling of free speech, and all the other trappings of communism...(wait a minute...I seem to be branding myself a RIGHT WING EXTREMIST without knowledge...)

Why do you ask about a third party on a chicken forum? Just curious.
Please be aware, everyone, that BYC is really, really not the place to invite political argument or debate. The Staff is aware of this thread and will take action as necessary. Please keep your discussion civil and stick to the question posed in the original post.

From the BYC Rules:

12. We strongly discourage religious and political topics and reserve the right to delete them at our discretion.​
BYC is much more than a chicken forum. Chickens are the common bond
which bring many of us "like minded" people together.

Politics and religion have always been hot topics here. I know of no
other place where it can be discussed with such a great and wise
group of people.

In the past some of these threads have turned into heated arguements,
hence the "12. We strongly discourage religious and political topics and
reserve the right to delete them at our discretion." rule.

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