anybody in lockdown?

Okay, so change in plans. Mom is not going to have her treatments today because her blood counts are too low.

I really don't know what to do with these eggs. According to my records they have been in the bator for 31 days. No external pip. Should I candle them? What should I do? Not seeing any movement out of the eggs this morning. Help
I just candled them, and all but one are dead. I read on here how to help so I took the one that was still alive in the bathroom and turned on the hot water to steam up the bathroom, and I turned on the heater. I got it to where the head is out, and it can breath air. It started to bleed so I put it back in the bator. How long should I wait until I try to help it again? It was was making some noise, but now its not. I can still see it moving though. I am so sad.

The other 4 and this one were shrink wrapped.
When I helped mine I would let the membrane dry abit then lightly mist it with warm water. I would try to go back to helping it. If I saw blood again then I would stop a bit.
Yes, It's been almost an hour since I last tried so I think I am going to try again. Wish me luck. He is the only one left, and I really hope he will make it, but it doesn't look good to me.

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