anybody in lockdown?

He is improving - slowly - but still improving. He has gotten the leg that I thought was "deformed" under him and isn't dragging it around now but it isn't 100%. I have noticed that he is very, very scared! If I even tip toe to the incubator he jumps up and struggles - so sad! He doesn't rest with his eyes closed - not sure what that means? I am going to give him a little sugar water and hopefully that will give him a boost of energy to pull through. He is the only one in the bator and I doubt the other 3 eggs are going to hatch. He only chirps a little bit and I wish he had buddy to cuddle with - I noticed him a bit ago snuggling with another egg - how pitiful is that!

@Kricket - How long did it take Sleepy to recover? Is he back to normal now and in the brooder with the others?
Awww the poor little guy. Snuggling next to a egg.
I hope he gets better.
He is in the brooder with the others and bounced right back. It took him about a day to go back to normal. I got him out a few time and got him to drink water and fed him some chick starter. I would even get him out and cuddled him in a towel. You can't tell he even had a problem. Tiffany you see any movement ? I would give hope on your eggs. They might just surprise you :) Ali don't give up either ! Egg ten has piped and he started to zip but now he is napping.
Kricket - your having an awesome first hatch! WOW # 10 is zipping!!! I hope the your hatch this weekend goes just as well! You will need to get a duck sitter and go on a vacation after all your hard work hatching this week!

Tiffany - my fingers are crossed that your eggies are still going to hatch! I bet you are wanting to get in that bator and candle. I know it would be hard for me - the thought is already going through my mind with my 3 eggs left in the bator. I've taken the lid off so many times today to help my little guy out that if they are still alive in there I'm sure that wasn't good for them.

I'm happy to report that little ducky #3 is doing really well! His leg is improved and he is standing and walking almost normally. I've noticed his wing on the same side as the leg issue also looks odd. Not entirely sure if it's deformed or has to do with all the dried goop he had on him. I gave him a little "bird" bath and hopefully got off anything that might be keeping his wing from moving properly. I've given him some little sips of sugar water and that seemed to perk him up right away. I really have high hopes that he will make a full recovery!
Ali don't give up on your three you can candle them as long as you are quick about it. I have candled mine. I thought egg ten was dead. He finally hatched. I have learned they all hatch differently. Some hatch slow and others pip and zip right away. Tiffany don't give up on yours either! I am praying they will hatch.
Nothing out of my eggs at all
It's been more then 24 hours since the internal pip. I don't know how much longer I can go with out candling them. Plus I have to leave in the morning, and I will be gone for over a week.
Yes, my husband, and teenage daughter know what to do. I thought I had this timed better. I have to go take care of my mother while she takes her 5th round of chemo. So if you don't hear from me then you know why. As soon as I get back I will let you know what happened. Hopefully a hatch.
I am losing faith though. This is day 31.
You and your mother will be in my thoughts and prayers. If the temp was lower they will hatch later. I am keeping the faith that they will hatch!! :)

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