Anybody know what kind of chicken this is?


Sep 28, 2015

She's a mid size chicken...not as small as my bantams but not quite as big as my full size hens! My neighbor bought her & originally thought she was an American Easter egger but then she grew up to look like she does!
Awesome! I love mutts! Lol! Her name is Tina turner! Hehe! I'm hoping to get some really cool lookin chicks this year...I have several beautiful mutt bantam rooster, a porcelain booted bantam rooster, & a golden sea bright rooster (bantam)!
Definite Silkie ancestry---feathered legs, black skin, I thought I saw 5 toes?
The color and amount of crest tell me the other parent could easily be a gold laced Polish.

cute little mix. You should get some fun, funky chicks from her and those roosters.
[/IMG] I have a mutt similar to her she doesn't have as much red on her she is more blue. Does yours have a split comb mine has a split comb on top then it joins and is single the rest of the way down

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