Anybody Seen this before? Please Help!

Dec 7, 2020
Hi, I have a Red Link Chicken who seems to have some problem with her. On some days she acts good and fine and on other days she is bad again. when she first started laying she started out laying soft shelled eggs. Her sister from the same place and same time never had any problems. Then for a few months she was fine and a perfect little hen. Then, this month, she got egg bound. She laid a soft shell egg again and was fine. Then these past few days she will lay a normal egg one day and a soft shelled the next. She had worms for a little bit, but i have not seen them in awhile after DIY treatment. (Apple cider vinegar and DE.) They have had layer food since a little before they started to lay and they have access to oyster shells and eggshells at all times. We started it this month after the soft-shelled started up again. Is there anything else that can be done? Or could there be a problem inside she was born with? Anything Helps!
My guess is she has a problem inside. If everyone else is doing fine. I would search the posts. Seems you have good food and calcium available. Is she lowest in the pecking order? Maybe she isn't getting enough food?
My guess is she has a problem inside. If everyone else is doing fine. I would search the posts. Seems you have good food and calcium available. Is she lowest in the pecking order? Maybe she isn't getting enough food?
Not the lowest in the pecking order. My silkie died the other day so it is just her and her sister, (Until we get some more chicks.) We have a rooster chick that spends the day out with them but not night. I see her eating every morning and drinking regularly. Can a problem on the inside that involves eggs kill a chicken or harm her.
YES. I had one die on the nest. She was fine I was out cleaning the coop. She came in so I started cleaning the run. I got busy about an hour I went in and she was just laying there. Gone. No cries kicking nothing. What did your silkie die from? What does her poop look like? You may need a corrid or safeguard treatment. Worms,parasites will rob your birds of vitamins and minerals causing poor eggs and death.
YES. I had one die on the nest. She was fine I was out cleaning the coop. She came in so I started cleaning the run. I got busy about an hour I went in and she was just laying there. Gone. No cries kicking nothing. What did your silkie die from? What does her poop look like? You may need a corrid or safeguard treatment. Worms,parasites will rob your birds of vitamins and minerals causing poor eggs and death.
Thanks her poop look normal and I have not seen worms in a while. we think the silkie may have gotten to hot while laying on eggs or scared. I cleaned everything out the day she died just to be safe.
For immediate help you can give her a human calcium citrate pill - one a day for a few days. It should harden up her shells & help her feel better. If she's not getting enough calcium overall you can also try adding a little oyster shell dust, or small bits from the bottom of the bag to her food in a wet mash or in some yogurt & see if that helps her too. (all this thanks to @rosemarythyme)

Unfortunately I've lost 3 red sex links due to laying/reproductive issues & I'll never own them again because of it. I had one that the calcium pills worked well for a few months, then one day she laid one last bloody egg & dropped dead as she walked out of the coop - her insides on the outside. These production type of birds seem to have issues with this stuff & sometimes they are ok & sometimes they aren't. :(

Good luck with your hen.

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