Anyone ?? Edited 5/21 with new pictures at the end. EE, hens or roo?

EE R' Us

In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
I've read and read and I know EE's are hard to sex, but any ideas you all have would be very appreciated

If you need better pictures please let me know.

First 3 shot are Olive .. she was giving me a hard time trying to get a good head shot.

From the side ..

Two body shots :



Next three pictures are of Clover :


Back :

Front :

Next three are Hazel .. who kept trying to jump back in the brooder for breakfast


Side :

Back :
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Thanks so much for the help so far!

Let's see if these pics will help, if not I'll have to wait for someone to get home and hold them. I'm having a hard time getting them to pose for the camera .. which *could* be a chicken eating monster.

** Edited to add direct links to photos, which seem clearer on photobucket. Let photos come up and then click on them to enlarge :

Let me know if these help ..


This pic is taken under their red brooder bulb, so far no one's comb is turning pink or red at all ..

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I would say all three are pullets. I can usually tell on my EE roo's by 4 weeks. The combs should be more red by now if one was a roo.
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I'm leaning towards all pullets. Here's a crazy thing that worked for all of my EE's; if their wings are hanging to the sides on their bum, and their bum is showing (above tail), it's a pullet. If the wings crosss over each other in the back, roo's.
Thanks for the help, I'm crossing my fingers they are all pullets. They were supposed to be sexed, but you know how that goes.
If I have a roo, he'll have to be rehomed, since we can only have hens here.

Sporttees , we live in the Piedmont area of NC and the chicks come from our local feed store.
EE R' Us :

Thanks for the help, I'm crossing my fingers they are all pullets. They were supposed to be sexed, but you know how that goes.
If I have a roo, he'll have to be rehomed, since we can only have hens here.

Sporttees , we live in the Piedmont area of NC and the chicks come from our local feed store.

I got mine from a bycer and thought you may have to.​
I see pullets.

EE's are so stink'n impossible to sex. But my EE roo's have always been just like the hens except for a taller middle ridge in their already redder combs compared to the gals. but thats just been my experience, and I doubt it really applies.

Good luck with them!!

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