Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

Haha if pregnancy is anything like this... I don't think I could handle it. Because it is only day five and I can hardly contain myself. I don't know how I would handle 41 weeks.

It's just like this but WORSE! My first baby is Due in 10 weeks, and although it seems like the last 7.5 months have gone fast, it feels like the next 10 weeks will take forever. These Emu's are 1000 times easier to wait for, over this baby.
Haha if pregnancy is anything like this... I don't think I could handle it. Because it is only day five and I can hardly contain myself. I don't know how I would handle 41 weeks.

I'm only on day two and I found it so hard to leave them all alone while I'm at work. Midnight can't come soon enough I want to make sure they are ok. For some reason I am thinking them being locked up in the spare bedroom away from the dogs and cats all alone is just not good enough. I might have to hire a security guard.
Haha if pregnancy is anything like this... I don't think I could handle it. Because it is only day five and I can hardly contain myself. I don't know how I would handle 41 weeks.

It's just like this but WORSE! My first baby is Due in 10 weeks, and although it seems like the last 7.5 months have gone fast, it feels like the next 10 weeks will take forever. These Emu's are 1000 times easier to wait for, over this baby.

Oh Gosh, you could have like three of four batches of chickies by then.
My friend said I was acting just like an expectant mother, because of how I was gazing at the eggs, And saying to myself softly " I wonder if that one is a boy or a girl" haha
Haha if pregnancy is anything like this... I don't think I could handle it. Because it is only day five and I can hardly contain myself. I don't know how I would handle 41 weeks.

I'm only on day two and I found it so hard to leave them all alone while I'm at work. Midnight can't come soon enough I want to make sure they are ok. For some reason I am thinking them being locked up in the spare bedroom away from the dogs and cats all alone is just not good enough. I might have to hire a security guard.

I know i haven't left my house since i got my eggs. I don't trust them alone at all. I always am thinking " Well what if there was an earthquake, and the incubator got knocked over?" "What f Alaska had its first tornado and it happened to be in my neighborhood?" " What if some egg bandits broke into my house and stole all the eggs?"
And lastly (most logical one) " What if my dogs broke into my room and knocked over the incubator?"
Hi there,
i have 24 eggs in the bator due to hatch on the 25th
these are the breeds i have:

Purchased eggs:

- 5 marans eggs
- 4 splash andalusian eggs
- 3 bahma eggs

My own flock: (i have 2 roosters, a bc marans roo and a light brahma rooster so i dont know wich of them fertilized the hens)

- 3 white leghorn X bcm or wb eggs
- 4 black sex link X bcm or wb eggs
- 3 rhode island white X bcm or wb eggs
- 2 red sex link X bcm or wb

i cant wait for the first candelling sesion i do on day 7

What type of Marans are they?
And that is cool

I can't wait until I have my own place (and land) so i can keep all my chickens for myself without relying on others.
And I have been having a hard time restraining myself when it comes to candling.
I'm only on day two and I found it so hard to leave them all alone while I'm at work. Midnight can't come soon enough I want to make sure they are ok. For some reason I am thinking them being locked up in the spare bedroom away from the dogs and cats all alone is just not good enough. I might have to hire a security guard.

I know i haven't left my house since i got my eggs. I don't trust them alone at all. I always am thinking " Well what if there was an earthquake, and the incubator got knocked over?" "What f Alaska had its first tornado and it happened to be in my neighborhood?" " What if some egg bandits broke into my house and stole all the eggs?"
And lastly (most logical one) " What if my dogs broke into my room and knocked over the incubator?"

That last one is what I am worried about the most. My lab Gus really loves to steal eggs out of the coop so he would have no problem with a feast out of the bator.
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they are Black copper marans,

i willl pen up any hens that hatch with my marans rooster so i can have pure marans

I know i haven't left my house since i got my eggs. I don't trust them alone at all. I always am thinking " Well what if there was an earthquake, and the incubator got knocked over?" "What f Alaska had its first tornado and it happened to be in my neighborhood?" " What if some egg bandits broke into my house and stole all the eggs?"
And lastly (most logical one) " What if my dogs broke into my room and knocked over the incubator?"

That last one is what I am worried about the most. My lab Gus really loves to steal eggs out of the coop so he would have no problem with a feast out of the bator.

Ahh my dogs are just like betta fish. They have no idea how big they are. So they have broken and knocked down many things because they try to squeeze through too tiny of spaces.
Horray for black coppers!

Do you have any tips for candling their eggs?
I have one pure copper egg, and a bunch of halflings (or ones where one of the parents was half, and the other was pure) So I have a lot of dark eggs I can't quite get a good view of.

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