Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

still no holes on my side.... But still the crazy hatching dreams!
Ahhh this is driving me mad!
Aghhh!! My little chicks were due today and nothing nothing nothing! Day 18 I woke up to a 108 degree incubator, do you think that cooked my poor little eggs? BTW this is my first hatch.
Aww, well as long as it wasn't at that temp for longer than an hour you should be fine

I have my fingers and toes crossed for your wee ones.
And my incubator went stupid today, and dropped down to 95, and wouldn't go any higher than that, so now I have my heat lamp pointed at it... Due to that though, I expect my wee ones to be a day or so late.
Thank you! I have no idea how long it was that high. I woke up to that temp so I suppose anywhere from an hr to 6 hrs. I wont give up, I may start drinking though!! The anxiety is about to do me in. I had no idea I would get so wrapped up in this. I am absolutely obsessed with this new hobby. Very unexpected.
AAAAHHHHH! Day 20 and I'm not going to make it! Will something just HAPPEN already!

<pant, pant> I need a paper bag. I'm gonna hyperventilate. Stoopid eggs. Why on earth did I ever do this?
Today is only day 20, but when I got home from work there were 2 little babies waiting for me. I checked about 30 minutes ago and the count is up to 7! On day 20!!

There were at least 3 times that I found the temps at 102 during the 20 days. I guess that's why they are hatching a little early. I can't wait to see what I find in the morning. Who am I trying to kid, I will be up half the night watching to see if any more have hatched.

This is my first time to hatch and I can already see I am going to be in trouble.

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