Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

no all my eggs are from ebay sellers right now-Post office was a little rough so these were what made it. Yeah my eggs are all really heavy and I could feel something thump on a few of them right before I put them in lockdown Monday, then left for the day Tuesday and came back and one had hatched and it was telling all the rest to hatch lol
Came downstairs this morning to discover the 2nd chick has pipped! It has pipped towards the smaller end of the egg- is this going to be a problem?

Have been turning every day so he/she shouldn't be upside down
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oh thats why my bator is in the computer room lol-I have a Brower top hatch and it use a 60 watt bulb for heat and it flashes on and off all the time-but its been a good bator for me especially with hatching call duck eggs which can be a little difficult, plus its turner rolls the eggs back and fourth. I used my stryo bator for lockdown for the chicken eggs
is the pip in the middle toward the smaller end or in the smaller (pointy) end? I would say just watch it and make sure its not having problems but someone else might comment something else to do thats better
The egg is on its side with the pointy end mostly downwards. Its a couple of cms of so from the small end of the egg. I don't think there's much I can do at this stage without risking the integrity of the other chick. Just hope the lil fella has enough room to maneuver.
I would buy on ebay but I am scared to get shipped eggs, and I lack a paypal account (probably won't have one until next year)
But yeah, it is my dream to one day own a silkie.
So cute a fluffy they are.
And I have nowhere else for my bator, but then again even if I did I would probably have instead on it staying with me at all times. Haha I am one of those people that needs to constantly keep track of things.
most eggs that I have got shipped from BYC members have done great and Im sure that there are some that will take a check or money order from you-I got around 75% hatches from the ones I got last year on here. Silkies are so adorable-anything over a 50% hatch is good on shipped eggs, yeah your going to throw some away but thats what we do to get the breeds we want when you cant buy local. I just dont keep track so I dont remember how much money I waisted lol-I just usual say oh this chick or duck cost this much to hatch lol
Yeah, hopefully I can find someone who will accept cash or check, may take longer. But it would work best from me right now.
And wow I am really shocked right now.
My dog hasn't freak out at all by the constant peeping coming from my incubator... Weird... She is usually more curious.

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