Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

I can hear them happily pecking away, so much fun to watch
OMG you can send him my way. I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George.

LOL, But I want to hug it and sqeeze it and call it Emy Emu for a girl, or Jeffry for a boy
The first one to pip has unzipped most of the egg now, and if he/she really tried I think he could push through the gap, but instead is being a lazy so n so ignoring my pleads to come out and say hi!
Congrats on the Emu. The color of the egg blew me away.
I have 25/36 hatched and they are still pipping. The Yokohama eggs are the last ones to start doing anything. I hope at least a couple of them hatch. The EE chicks started coming on day 20 and seemed like they couldn't wait to get out and start eating and pooping(mainly pooping).

Side note: I got my first eggs today too.
There were 2, so I guess she started laying yesterday. Scrambled eggs for lunch, and man they were good!

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