Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

OMG - ooooohhhh soooo cute!

I have hatchers that started on day 22 and now the other batches are starting to "work it" The first bator has slowed down - I need to give it two more days. The other one just started today - day 20. I have a Sumatra that hatched about 3 hours ago. He's got a couple other Sumatras along with some MFD, SS, Standard SL/GL Cochins, SSH a few barred rocks and several Anconas. The one that slowed down has pretty much the same thing. My Yokohama Red Shaddles are in their two but they need an extra three days.

I'n gettin dizzy! Hope you all don't mind if I join in the hatching fun here if anyone is still hatching......

one Sumatra out still....the other one I intervened and of course knew better. He's still in the bator and breathing-still has some of his membrane, shell and I have a warm wet paper towel around him but where he can breathe - doing okay.

No others yet, but while I had the incubator open I re-arranged the eggs from the Sumatra bowling with them - adjusted the humidity up and gave a listen to some eggs - lot of noise in the eggs but some have a couple days to go yet so I'm leaving them alone. No more opening of the Incubator until tomorrow unless a crisis arises.

Sigh, the wait is the worst!
Well, I got 17 chicks altogether out of my original 23 eggs- 1 quitter, one nonfertile, 1 pipped & drowned, and 3 fully developed & never pipped. I do have one chick with google eyes that seems to have developed outside it's skull. It's almost like it's eyes are inside out. It looks like an alien/ owl cross. I don't think it will make it d-t being blind, having a weak 'peck' reflex, and not very sensitive feet. I can only 'mother' it twice a day, and don't think it will survive if it can't grasp eating out of the feeder and drinking independently.
I had one more hatch yesterday, then one hatch today.
Though the third one that hatched yesterday almost didn't make it since he was a premature chick, and was bleeding heavily. After a few hours of laying in a little bed I made it though it is finally running around and chirping to its little hearts content.
Then for the one that hatched today i had to assist, since it made no progress since yesterday mornings zip.
Turns out when it hit a vein during its zip, the blood ended up drying his little wing to the shell. Still has some gunk on its wing, but we won't try to wash that off for another couple of days.
I should be have at least one more baby hatch today.
Oh and my little survivors name is Valentine, its a creamy yellow chick.
That's kinda what happened with my one little guy yesterday - chirping merrily in the shell then got quieter and quieter - one of his twins popped right out with surprise but not this little guy. Helped him most of the way out until I saw the little red veins and hit one, left him and now he's out the rest of the way just kind of loudly cheeping and hoping for some company I guess - will have to check him shortly had at least one egg with movement and another one was pipping out the shell earlier - yay!
None of my BLRW have even pipped. One blue maran didn't absorb it's yolk and maybe had a prolapsed vent. It died. I'm sad now.

Two BMs are zipped and stalled all day, dh may help them after dinner. I'm too sad after the other little one died. I trird to help him with his vent but there was nothing I could do. I'm too inexperianced.


Wow, that is just so sad and I'm sorry - hope the others come out little guy is chirping, moving and stretching but still not quite ready to get up - I think he made need until tomorrow am - he had some yolk-like substance he still hasn't finished drawing in but he's not far from it so he's wet warm and cozy in the bator for now.

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