Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

i had put 23 shipped eggs in and one of my polish all 23 died fiveto seven days before due to hatch and my one polish is all that hatched:(
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I think we all needs hugs and hi fives!
I mean, some are having good hatches, some really stink no matter what we did. I know someone recently wrote in the forum that it can just be genetics, a weak chick - I've done everything right and had them hatch at day 28 and then I've done some things wrong and had a hatch that was crazy fast. I have two bators in lockdown right now (oops actually three with the one with the duck and goose eggs - I don't have a great feeling about them...) I have hatching going on and lots of rockin and rollin but that's about it. I had to actually open the one incubator and put all the eggs in one so I could clean the other since the one little Sumatra had leaked a lot of yuk and it was really stinkin the thing up more than probably even the chicks could have stood. cleaned it and switched them all right back - much indigant peeping on the return trip but temps are good and the humidity is around 74 percent on both so I should be good. Have a BR pipping out with a hole and one Cochin who is half way out and has decided to tease me and wait awhile. Chips and Cheeps from the Incubators....

I just don't know - I enjoy the hatch but the eggs you buy sometimes just are great and then they make it to the end and just don't make it out - not our faults - it's just the way it is sometimes.

So we need to STOP beating ourselves over the head! It's all a learning experience for many of us
28 days??? Okay, I'll stick it out a little longer.

The chick that had all the problems made a nasty mess of the incubator...I wasn't sure if I should clean it or not. I dont' have another bator to put them in, what if I warmed the bathroom and ran the shower and just took them out while I cleaned. Would that work? It really stinks, I hope I can handle it.
This is going to be a very long week. I just went into lockdown today and I already keep looking thru the little windows to see if I can see or hear I got it bad..
Had the SAME prob wiyh mt BL, Splash &welsummer Maran mixes - a reputable breeder but they just pooped out at the end

I really really wanted these guys too! I think I got 1 or 3 of each maybe - one cuckoo died last week for no reason - I'm just going to have to find and buy chickies - sorry if the typing is bad - have a SSH I had hatch about 8 hours ago and he was crying for attention so momma is holding him and he keeps cheeping himself to sleep and then wakes uo cheeping for me again - I am certain now I've gone around the chickrn bend! I think someone should invent a hatchling sling for those that need it!!!!

Thought I was going to have one more egg hatch yesterday... But unfortunately... It died before it began to zip
Still sitting in our incubator though, going to have a burial for it tomorrow, along with the rest of the unhatched eggs.
Tomorrow we are doing eggtopsies, since no more eggs are showing signs of life, then bury them in our garden in the front yard.
No back yard burial since we have dogs that dig.

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