Anyone else have the "Working too many hours blues"?

Beth G.

Gaetano Family Farm
9 Years
Jun 26, 2010
New Haven County Connecticut
I hate complaining on forums but, lately I'm so down and blah from working too many hours. Why is it that people have to work so hard when they are younger, to save up for when they are older, AND then when you are older, you are so broken from working too much when your younger!!!????!!!

Sorry if that did not make sense but, it runs through my mind so often it's hard to put in words

I just wish things could go back to the way they were when folks all pitched in together in communities to help each other out. I wish that Mom's could stay home and tend to the kids and home's not needing that extra paycheck to keep up with technology.

Don't get me wrong I love computers b/c with out them I wouldn't get to talk to nice BYC'rs!! But, on some days I'd love to just pack up my car, dogs, hubby, and chickens. Move to some isolated mountain and get away from it all.

Oh boy, I'm all done whining for now.
I feel the same way too. 14-16hr days each day…getting old. I’d love to spend that time on the farm instead of the office, at least I’d get something of value done. I have started to aggressively pay down all bills while trying to save money as best as I can. Next year I will have my truck paid off in half the time the loan was for and then I just need to help hubby pay off the house. Once all that is out of the way I can work part-time. Yipii. It is important to set goals though and you need to make many personal sacrifices. Some are more painful than others but it is not good to hate your job so much that you dread coming in each day. Life is too short to be miserable. Don't give up just yet
Thank you, I need to hear this b/c I know there is a goal and reason I'm doing all this but, somedays I guess are harder than others. It helps to hear others are doing the same upward hill battle I guess.

Best Wishes to you Avalon1984

Maybe someday we will all get ahead enough to slow down? My husband says I will never slow down b/c even when I have nothing to do he swears I always find something. He says I'm allergic to rest and relaxation!?!
Beats not working at all. Said by two people in their fifties who have been laid off and can't even get a job at McDonalds. Savings are long gone, tiny retirement tapped into already and the future isn't looking too good.

Stick with those jobs, try yoga for relaxing and unwinding and reduce as much other stress as you can! Those long, hard days are hard to deal with, but hang in there!

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