Anyone else waiting "patiently" for their ducks to start laying?

Still waiting - my WH are 23 weeks now and nothing happening.
Thanks Hooligan, so I guess I'll stop running in each day and checking the nesting's ok. when she does start it will be a happy day for me.
Yep! I have a light bulb on a timer that goes on at 4:00 AM and shuts off at 7:15 AM (approx. when they are let out in the morning)...I got this idea from Kathrina a couple weeks back!

ETA: Wow! Kathrinad I didn't see your post on here until after I I sound like a weirdo....
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Hi! I'm waiting patiently on my Muscovy girls. Seller said they were hatched June 23rd (I asked for the hatch-date after she came back from being out-of-town and I'd had them a few weeks), but looking back at dates that can't be! I'm thinking June 13th (I picked them up on the 18th ) is a more likely hatch date?
I've never had a muscovy lay before the spring after her hatch.

I may have a while to wait.


Ok, question.....If the ducks aren't going to lay eggs, why the little sexy dance thing with the drakes? Mine just started the game again, which would make me think that eggs would become part of the equation. I get the issue with the amount of daylight/egg-laying.....but why the mating, then?

I need some duck sex-education.
Mine had fun for 3 month before they even started to lay. You have to give them their little pleasures.
BTW there is no reason why ducks should not be able to lay in winter. All they need is light and a little bit of warmth at night. Give them 14-17 hours of light and keep the temps above freezing and they should. Muscovies are a little bit different, but this should apply to all other domestic ducks. Simply look at how many eggs they usually lay in a year and do the math.

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