Anyone else with fibromyalgia?

Ive had fibro since I was 12... Guess Ive learned to live with it :p Healthy lifestyle help keep it in check for me, with some medication of course.
Oh yes, pacing myself is one thing I tend to be on top of, taking breaks and making sure not to overdo things. I do have my moments of stubbornness though, but not often.
Great thread!
I suspect my mother might have fibro. She said her Dr tested her for it and they said she didn't have it. But reading that the test is not that accurate makes me wonder.
When she was up here she had trouble walking. She is bent over in pain continously. The Dr's have said she has a problem with her spine. She got a spa tub in their house she says helps her feel better.
I will tell her to try the wheat free diet and see what happens.
Will keep all the suggestions on here in mind for her.
I have started taking Neuronton, The generic is Gabapentin, this is the first medication to work for me. I have had fibro for 20+ years. Like a miracle drug in my case.
my wife was diagnosed with fibro. come to find out he harmones were way out of sink. some of yall may want to check what im saying out.
my wife was diagnosed with fibro. come to find out he harmones were way out of sink. some of yall may want to check what im saying out.

I've had my hormones checked, they are low, however I am incapable of taking hormone therapy without really bad side effects so I pretty much have to deal with it. I'm only 30 and have already dealt with hot flashes :p

My doctor has switched me onto colcrys and meloxicam, but after three weeks it's not really done much to help as of yet. I still have another few weeks to go, so we'll see. I am tired more than usual though. On the other hand I sleep a bit harder than I usually do, even with my muscle relaxers.
Great thread!
I suspect my mother might have fibro. She said her Dr tested her for it and they said she didn't have it. But reading that the test is not that accurate makes me wonder.
When she was up here she had trouble walking. She is bent over in pain continously. The Dr's have said she has a problem with her spine. She got a spa tub in their house she says helps her feel better.
I will tell her to try the wheat free diet and see what happens.
Will keep all the suggestions on here in mind for her.

I fell in 2011 and had a compression fracture of my L1 doctors did nothing since I did not require surgery(thank the good Lord) That being said I got to the point where I could not lift my feet to my knees to put my shoes on and a whole other slew of problems even in raising my right arm. Went to the dr. for the arm issue and was told that my shoulder was shot and would probably at some point require surgery. Was given more drugs.

Went to the chiropractor and the arm went up in the air and I can put my feet up on my knees to put a shoe or sock on. Your spine is the center of your being and if it is out of whack so is everything else. Talk to people that you know and trust and find out if there is a GOOD chiropractor near you. I did not feel like driving the 40 minutes to see him one day and went to one I found in a coupon pamphlet, that woman put me back in square one. I was back on my Norco and in tears could not walk without feeling every movement so I went back to my Doctor and he readjusted me. I walked out pain free ( for the most part ) I will never see anyone but him. So now when ever I start to feel my hip want to take the lead I go to him and he is not one of those that you need to see every week in order to get better. As he said the only reason that a chiropractor would have you come back on a continuous basis is that it is good financially for them. He charges me $36.00 a visit and it is well worth it no ex rays just some little wheel he runs up and down my spine and he knows exactly what he needs to do. Good luck and her pray her pain lessens.
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The two biggest helps for me are taking Cymbalta and getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night. If I don't get enough rest the pain really flares. I have it like others have mentioned that it goes in cycles and goes from place to place. I find doing things that I find relaxing helps like hanging out in the chicken yard with my flock or reading. I haven't been able to work full time in a very long time but I do my best to do what I can part time and sometimes it's all a struggle. I try to keep a positive attitude by doing things I enjoy, getting enough sleep and taking my prescribed medicine.

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