Anyone ever cross standard cornish hens to other heavy breeds?


10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
Greenup KY
I know this subject has been covered many times but it seems like everyone uses cornish roosters. Does anyone know or has anyone ever used standard cornish cross hens with this cross. I have 2 dark cornish hens and am wondering what I would get if I crossed to a Partridge Rock, Speckled Sussex or a BLRW rooster. I'm not that interested in crosses to other broiler chickens, just info on crossing to other breeds that have no cornish lineage. I know they will not be as big as commercial cornish roasters. I do not eat any of my chickens so I dont care about producing meat birds. I just want to know if the offspring will be bigger than parent stock? If the pea comb is dominant and if they will have the same health issues as the commecial lines do? I want to make sure before I do this that they will not cripple up and have heart attacks and strokes. I'm also hoping for a longer lifespan since I plan to keep the offspring as part of my free-range flock. If anyone can help it would be greatly appriceated. If you have already done a similar cross and have pics of the adult offspring that would be even better.

someone please help. I am not interested in raising the chicks and getting attached to them just to watch them cripple up and die before they even lay thier first eggs.
This is not exactly what you're asking, but I once crossed a cornish cross hen to a buff orp roo. We grew her to laying age and set some eggs. Unfortunately the temp on the incubator was too low due to poor instruments, the embryos were underdeveloped and the hen died around 7 months old of a heart attack (flip). So no progress, but I know fertility can be done with a cornish cross and standard type roo. I think it would have been a great meat bird.

Here are some pics of Snowball (with her buffs) from back then..


I have 1 Cornish hen in my flock she has been mated with my EE rooster and my BO rooster and I am trying to incubate some eggs so I'll know soon. I'm sure it has been done before.
As was said before this isn't exactly what you were asking but I have Crossed a Cornish cross hen to a RIR and Have Hatched a Baby. Here are the Pictures.

In the last Picture the baby is Standing Next to A Baby Of of a Brahma cross so it is a pretty big bitty just as a size comparison.
I Just Re-Read your post and I would think that since the Problem with comercial broilers is rapid growth that causes alot of the Health Problems that if you were to cross a slower growing chicken such as a wyandotte to a standard Cornish that it should not have the same health problem. This is just my opinion I dont have much experience with standard cornish just a little with cornish x and crossing them. maybe someone else will know more.
Thank you. That is my thinking too. I still dont want to risk causing a health issue though. I know that eventually somone will come across my post and have a definate answer. Sooner than later I hope I'm getting antsy about setting eggs. It's that time of year you know.
I swear it's like I'm stepping into uncharted territory. Of all the people on here am I the first to ever attempt this?
In my original post I noticed I made a mistake so maybe that is the problem. To clarify things I need info on crossing any heavy breed rooster (with no cornish lineage) to a full (100%) cornish hen please!!! At this point I am starting to think I will be making history by doing this.

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