Anyone ever get eggs mixed up?


8 Years
Apr 18, 2011
I have 4-5 different hatch dates and I keep a note pad on my computer but I have moved some eggs around and now......I have some mixed up. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
Ya think? Now I write on each egg or if I am doing a batch of one kind, I lable just a couple of them, with the due hatch date..
just write 5 over for May 28th. then I arrange them so that I can
read them without opening the door..

I do not mix the batches with other batches.. each batch has it's own egg tray..
Hi! I've done that before so I write the 'set date' on the egg with a Sharpie.
Can you candle the eggs and match up the ones with the same 'set date' by their development?
Good luck!

I write the date they go in the bator on the egg in pencil....haven't lost one since
Yup, write on them with pencil. I use batch # (for the year, batch 1, batch 2, etc), egg number, and date into the incubator.
I started out writing the set date.. but I quit doing that.. it required calculation every time.. Now I just write either the due date,,, or the date they are supposed to go into lockdown.. less head work... I also write one or two letters ,sometimes, if needed to identify who's egg it is or what kind.. B for Brian, or A for Americauna.. etc...

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