Anyone ever have this happen before? Not me!


Always Grateful
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Apr 11, 2010
After all of the years that I've had pullets start laying, I've never seen this happen before. My black OE was in a nest box..I was so excited, her first egg. She was panting pretty hard. I waited, then when I saw her out in the yard, I went back to find two! Little bantam sized eggs.

And oh, she is not a bantam. :)
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when chickens first start laying they often have things known as 'wind' eggs, which are smaller than regular and either have no yolk, no white or a tiny mix of both. as their systems get ready for the egg production you will get some funny little eggs, the eggs should get bigger and more 'normal' in size over a few months. 2 Eggs no wonder she was straining to push them out! . ive never had this with my birds but it is possible that one got blocked up and then the other egg formed ( think like an anti double yolker) or there was a production line glitch. is it possible that you have 2 pullets laying?
That has never happened to me, but I've read about it. My chickens first eggs were really small, and I've heard that some chickens lay an egg the size of a grape the first time they lay. She probably didn't know what was going on, or couldn't lay her first egg, then had a second come along. Some of my chickens have lain two eggs in one day. Crack the eggs open and see if they are "deformed" in ay way. This incident was probably just because she is new to laying...
No, no other pullets ready to lay a colored egg.. I have a Rhodebar that should be laying..come on already..but I was watching this..I was excited that she was in there. I knew when she went in, and when she was out. It's her. I have cracked them open, I should to see what they look like.

Cracked them open. The smaller one had a real thin shell, the other one had a nice shell.
Thank you for the responses. I've seen my fair share of the funny looking, rubbery, or soft shelled eggs, but never two. I have a small back yard flock, so I know who's laying what, and what color they should be.
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It did happen to me one time... my hen was about to lay for the first time after i bought her... she laid two eggs. One was a smooth thin shell one which was partly colourless... we could see the yolk from outside... the other one was a normal egg with a proper shell...
It did happen to me one time... my hen was about to lay for the first time after i bought her... she laid two eggs. One was a smooth thin shell one which was partly colourless... we could see the yolk from outside... the other one was a normal egg with a proper shell...

Thanks, I thought maybe someone else out there has had it happen. They tasted good along with the big double yolker I got from my RIR the other day.
My chickens! Go from a monster tiny eggs.. :)
Unfortunately i didn't get to eat them as my roo was an egg eater and that little beast feasted on them... but since then i lost only about 2 eggs from him...i was able to solve this bad habit....

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