Anyone ever lock themselves out of the coop?


6 Years
Mar 27, 2013
Mid Michigan
After reading all these threads about racoons, it got me scared. So I decided to "racoon proof" my coop. Now I am having a hard time getting in myself LMAO!!!
It's now taking me 10 minutes to get in the coop
I put on 2 heavy duty spring latches on the door. But the problem is you have to pull both spring latches and pull on the door all at the same time LOL...Its a temporary fix until we can get an automatic door.
Sounds like a lot of work! I've got a latch that goes into the door that holds it shut and a giant block of concrete with a piece of rebate in it I use to block the door closed at night and hold it open during their free time.
yeah it does and the latches are 12 inches apart so basically I need 3 hands lol
Oh well I guess I will have to deal with it until we get an automatic door.
Or find a way to rig it so you pull in one cord and it opens the locks from the inside, but can detach it when your safe and secure *outside* the coop?

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