Anyone expecting a McMurray order that shipped today?


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
Coastal Georgia
My very first babies were probably on an airplane today on their way to us. My kids weren't sure if they were born yesterday or today so they sang the Happy Birthday song both days ("Happy birthday to you, peep peep peep").

They could arrive anywhere from tomorrow (Sunday) to Wednesday (by which time I'll be having a heart attack!). Got the brooder all ready tonight. We're just adjusting the heat lamp to get the temp right. We're as ready as we're going to be!

Is anyone else getting McMurray chicks out of today's hatch? I'd love to know what you're getting and how soon they get there...come and be neurotic with me!
I am! I have 9 Buff Orphs, 9 Dominiques, 9 Black Austrolorps and the Ornamental Layer Collection plus my two rare chicks! Can't wait to see the little fuzzy butts. Of course, there is snow predicted for the next two days, so that makes me very nervous! My brooder is ready to go, and i think i have everything that i need. Good luck with your new babies!
i have a menagerie of chicks coming.... dorkings, fayoumis, rosecomb brown leghorn, white giant, black giant, australorp, blue laced wyandotte, sumatra,bufflaced polish,gold campine,gold wyandotte,araucana, pearlwhite leghorn, black star, barred rock, RIR, silver laced wyandotte, and the free rare chick coming. cant wait to see them. i hope the weather doesnt effect them. what all have you ordered????
Let's see.I have 1 RIR, 2 Black Star, 3 EE's, 1 Golden Campine, 1 Dominique, 1 Brown Leghorn, 1 Red Cap, 1 Salmon Faverolle, 1 Delaware, 1 Partridge Rock, 5 Cuckoo Marans (straight run only- trying to get two hens), 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte, and 7 Dark Cornish for a meat project.
I have 25 beautiful little girls coming to me hopeful tomorrow if not monday. i have cuckoo marans, ee, dominiques, buff polish, glw, and a couple more!!! i cant wait:jumpy
i've been waiting for tooo long
Well, I guess no chickies today (although I did ask the USPS guy at the processing plant to go check just in case). I imagine they have to hub through Atlanta so won't be here at least until tomorrow.

The waiting part is SO hard....
I got my McMurray shipment three weeks ago, so I thought I'd share my experience. They told me they would arrive "any time during the week of February 9th." Well, February 9th was a Monday and I got a call from the post office before dawn, telling me they had arrived and I could hear peeping in the background! I wouldn't think that you could get them today... I'm pretty sure post offices are closed on Sundays and that no mail moves through the system, so I would expect them tomorrow morning or later.

Anyway, I ordered 8 straight-run Cuckoo Marans, 9 Ameraucanas (pullets), and 8 Buff Orpingtons, plus one free rare chick. They all arrived alive, thankfully, and I ended up with 9 Marans, 8 Ameraucanas, 9 Buff Orpingtons, and one free rare chick (we're still trying to figure out what it is) - so that made 27 chicks total. I split the order with a local woman and she took 10 and I kept 17. I lost one of the Marans over the first night (when I went to sleep, all was fine, and then next morning, it was just dead) and I lost one Buff Orpington the next day. That many losses is to be expected. They are three weeks old now and everyone is doing great and growing like weeds. Also, to this point, the woman who split the order with me has lost none, so overall, the count is 25 survivors so far. Since the original order was for 25 chicks (not including the free one), I figure that's about perfect.

I have been really happy with the experience and would definitely use MM again. I also have been blogging about the chicks since day one, if you are interested, it is at

I have lots of good pics!

Good luck to all of you with your MM orders and try not to worry too much while waiting (though, of course, I did - so I understand!). Enjoy your babies!
Well, apparently, no babies today either.

That means it will be at least 3 full days in transit. I'm getting more nervous as time goes on. Poor little peepers...

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