Anyone got any tips for keeping my hot chickens cool?

I just looked at the temp in my coop and it's 108, yep they are panting too. I have a $10. free standing mist system close to them, it helps I think. Here in Arizona frozen bottles of water last about an hour if you're lucky - didn't work for me. Let them dig down in the dirt, it's cooler there, and sun shade material is much better than a sheet - they need air flow. I have 2 month old chickens out there, and they do better than my year old hens! Let them dig a hole, and if it gets hotter a hose on them is appreciated - even though they act like they hate it!
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tried the frozen bottle of water and it only lasted a couple of hours. They were uninterested. LOL.

Will look into a mister...

Where can I get that fabric? Home Depot?
I've been taking the girls a big bowl of ice cubes in the afternoon - they drink as the water melts and the bowl is nearly empty when I go collect it later so they must appreciate it. I think I'll try the frozen bottle too though - that's a great idea.
Very cool - I had the same question (just about asked it). My chicks are 3 weeks old and still not outside but we are already in the 100's and glad to know what to do when they are outside for good.

I like the mister system idea. I have a water timer and might put it on that so it doesn't flood the coop during the day. Might just work!

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