Anyone hatching around April 2nd?

Well, my turner broke, so I hand turned for 24 hours, then got a new turner put in and turning lol. When I switched the eggs, one was stuck in the turner...found it was leaking, and when I got it out it left a piece of shell behind, so I tossed it.

Anyone else hatching then?
I set 2 dozen yesterday, so April the third for me. 1 dozen production reds and 1 dozen sex links. Of course who knows how many it will be by then.
I've got three colored Sebastopol eggs due around the 6th. The iddle of next week I'll be setting four white Seb eggs. Before it's over I'll have geese running out of my ears.
This is the week the BR turkeys I set with the chickens are due. The bator ran cold a few days so I'm figuring on a delayed hatch if at all. It's both the hens' and the tom's first season, though I think I see movement this is only my second incubation.

At least this time it's my own eggs I'm setting and not bought eggs.
Hey shanay, what sort of goose is that in your avatar, it sure is pretty. You guys are making me jealous....geese, turkeys lol. It was a 2 year struggled to talk DH into letting me get ducks.

What sort of incubator you use walks with dog? I've been trying to adjust my old still air hovabtor and it's been giving me fits lol. Runs 101-102 through the day, but plummets down to 96 at night here. Grrr. Now that I got used to my Genesis, I dont know how I ever functioned with that old one.
That's a Sebastopol goose, the same type I have in my bator right now. They really are beautiful. There are a few Sebbie breeders here on the forum who have posted pics of their geese. The three colored Seb eggs in my bator came from fellow BYC member "bator".
I have some Dutch & Porcelain Millies due on the 28th. Then Seramas, Silkies, Mille d'Uccles, Salmon Faverolles, EE's, Buff Brahmas, Partridge Wyandottes, Barred Rock, Black & Grey Japanese, Frizzles, Blue & Black Orpingtons due on the 4th. Then on the 11th I'll have more Porcelain Millies, Silkies & Mille d'Uccles due.

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