Anyone have a hatch for june 1st?

I have some due on May 31st. It's my first time having chicks hatched from a broody or ever ( minus the two that hatched a couple of days ago)
Anyway, I'm right here with ya
Thanks,my silkie broodies hatch for,I have no incubator,I have had one hatch so far this spring all silkies.I have buff orpintons that I`m waiting to go broody and want to get some lavender and blue orpington eggs from ebay so I can have some different colors.
Hey there!

I have some eggs in the incubator that are hopefully due to hatch around May 7th....Really trying to think positive and have good thoughts on this one. Bantam Frizzle Cochins and Standard Blue Wheaton Ameraucana eggs in the incubator. I haven't even candled them yet, but I'm hoping it all goes well.

Good Luck with Yours!

Take Care,
I have a broody Silkie working on a batch. Six have hatched in the past two days and two more have pipped. I'm always a horrendous nervous Nellie during the process and probably drive people crazy with my questions (though the Sticky "Incubating and Hatching Eggs ..." almost always has the answers I'm looking for if I remember to look there

I was in awe yesterday of how calm and what good Moms the Silkies are. I really do need to trust them to take care of things.

Guess we'll be needing pics from all of us soon?

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