Anyone Have a "manly" hen?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 23, 2014
Hello all! I have a hen that I was certain was a rooster. We hatched her and her siblings a few months ago after about 2 months she just started growing and growing. She's larger than my 1 year old hens and she's only 3 months. Her feet are HUGE and bumpy- I don't think it bumble foot, they've been like this forever and there are no scabs. I wonder if she is both sexes? The other chickens all ignore her so I give her extra attention and she is very sweet.
Has anyone get had a hen like this?

I think "she" is a slow maturing cockerel. The shoulders and wingbow look to be a darker shade of buff and Orpingtons are known to be slow to mature.

I have no idea what's up with the feet. I have never seen that before. Do they feel puffy like it's fluid?
Thank you so much for responding Keesmom!! Ok maybe that's it! She is almost the same size as her dad now and he took a long time to mature too so maybe that is it? The feet seem really fleshy, like if we were chicken feet eaters these would be the meatiest we'd ever seen! :) They are just really bulbous and bumpy, the bumps have some give to them when I push. If it were bumble foot wouldnt I see a scab at some ooint?

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