Anyone have a pullet lay at 8:00PM?


13 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Fort Worth, Tx
I let the girls out every night at 7pm for them to range before bed. At 7:45 Olga goes RUNNING into the run and jumped in the coop and headed for a box. Everyone went in to roost about 8:10 and she was still on the nest. I went out at 8:30 (full dark) and she was still on the nest. I turned the light on and got the egg and pushed her out of the nest. She jumped up on the roost and went to bed....lights out.

I have never heard of a hen laying that late at night, is that common?
Is it her first egg? or has been been laying for a while? When my girls started laying the times varied a lot but have gotten earlier with time. I found an egg once after 9pm. Now I get all 5 in the morning to late afternoon.
Odd. If she's a new layer I suppose this issue will stop with time
I have a hen who lays at night, she has always done it and if I am not out in time someone eats it
She is a year and a half old now.

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