Anyone have kids in college or going to be this Fall??? Sry long RANT

Now I'm between a rock and a hard place because if I MAKE her go to school when she doesn't want to, I'll be wasting money that I don't even have. But knowing how important it is to get anywhere in this world now, I just don't know what to do. She needs to "step out of the barn" and into reality. Very frustrating.

When my youngest was that age, no one could tell her ANYTHING either. Eventually she dropped out of high school. Then she got that "kick in the pants" from the local employers who were not interested in her, while all the time I was saying work or move out since you're not in school. So she took menial jobs for minimum wage for a time. After awhile she got soooo disgusted with her paycheck that she sat for her GED and enrolled in college part time. It took her about 6 years but she got her degree and now has a good-paying job.

Sometimes they just have to learn the hard way. Until THEY see the world for themselves...we're just wasting our time trying to tell them anything.

"WOW, I didn't know there was sticks in California...
We moved from LA county 28 yrs ago and the only sticks I ever went to was San Fransquitas canyon, which I hear is now grown up too. Oh yeah my grandpa had a beach cabin in Santa Barbara but there was a lot of folks around there still."'s a secret.
Nearest grocery store is 45 minutes away...we have a little country store but it's only good for milk and beer.
I try to avoid S.'s too crowded down there....
Tell her to apply for a Resident Assistant position for her sophomore year (freshmen can't do it). An RA is an older student that advises other students, mediates conflicts, and supervises the dorm at night. It helps if she gets involved in her floor or dorm government during her freshman year. I was an RA three out of my five years at college, and it saved me $15,000 because my salary was free room and board. I also got a student loan.

Anyone can get a student loan if they have a SSN. Have your student sign up for a loan...parents don't necessarily have to pay for their children's education. Knowing I had to pay for everything myself made me value my education and study hard because I didn't want to repeat classes and pay for them a second time.

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