Anyone have opinions on these breeds?


12 Years
May 9, 2007
Howdy, folks. Just wanted to get y'all's input on these particular breeds. I'm looking specifically for layers (I really like the dark brown eggs, and the green/blue ones, too), but silkies are in there just 'cause they look fun. Any input as to how quickly a breed matures, how well your representative of a breed deals with people, etc., would be appreciated. Thanks!

Breeds: Ameraucana, Barnevelder, Brahma, Marans, Rhode Island Red, Silkie, Sussex, Welsummer
sorry, never had any of them
I am really interested in the wheaton and birchin Maran.. hope some of those folks respond :O)
Do not have any of the other breeds....

I have RIR's and they can't be beat for temperment and egg laying. I love mine. I have had Marans but I don't know if it was heat here or not but they did not lay well for me and I had to sell the Roos after they got mature for flogging me.

I have had but do not have now Aruacanas and I have nothing but good things to say about them but just had to make a decision on what breeds I was going to work with and they were on the bottom.
I have loved silkies every since I layed eyes on them. Love working with them. They are just a delight to my soul.
I have marans and welsummers. The welsummers aren't as friendly as the marans, but mine have been more consistant layers. The marans are very laid back...even the roosters.
I have had Rhode Island Reds, Silkies, Brahmas, Ameracanas, and one lone Speckled Sussex. My rating for both egg laying and personality combined:

1. Ameracanas-personality plus egg laying
2. Brahmas-egg laying, less personality
3. Silkies-personality, small eggs thus the third place
4. Sussex-decent layer, decent personality
5. Rhode Island Reds-good layer, no personality
(true breed - not easter eggers)
Good temperament, not aggresive, good egg layers.

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