Anyone have some patience they're willing to sell????


11 Years
Oct 14, 2008
Central Indiana
I'm new to this chicken (duck/geese) thing. I've been doing (to quote my kids) a cr@p ton of reading. Books and BYC. Have started my coop and the son will be building the run over his fall break.

I want to be prepared before we bring any birds home...but I'm chomping at the bit! It's 2 weeks (and 2 days) before Ohio Nationals and it seems like forever. I'd really like to wait till I can go there so I will have more of a selection of older birds to choose from. Then this spring I can maybe order some day olds.

I know I'm doing the right thing by waiting, but dang I'm getting antsy! And it does not help that "Patience" by Guns and Roses keeps going through my head!!

Thanks. Just had to vent.
Hang in there! If your days are anything like mine, the time will fly by and you will have your chickens in no time. Meanwhile, just keep reading and working on that coop.
I know exactly what your going thru. I always catch myself looking on eggbid and the BST here on BYC and I dont have my incubator built yet (DH is building the one Ms. Prissy posted) I also bought my chicks before my coop was 100% completed, did you know chicks love to live in a claw footed bath tub for a couple of days lol. Keep holding out unless that is you have the room to buy some now and then again later
. Good Luck!
Hang in there! At this time next year (when you have 100 chickens or more...hee hee), you won't remember what it was like *not* to have chickens anymore.

It will be better for your birds to have a coop all ready for them when you get them, too. They might be less safe in an unfinished coop and run.

What breeds of chickens interest you right now?
That's what's keeping me from running after the first "chicken for sale" ad I see.

I'm still not 100% on breeds yet. There are a few that I'm looking at. I want some good egg layers. I'd love to have some bantams and some standards. DD and DS's girlfriend want some of the Polish. But there are so many that I would like to try out!

I figure I'll start out with a couple of Orpingtons. I'd also like to get some Barred rock and maybe wyandotte. I really like the look of them. (I just love the lacing or penciling...not sure what it's called)

For spring I'm thinking of ordering an assortment so I can try out a few different types. But, for this winter I'm planning to only have 5 or 6. (no more than 10)
Winter's coming... time to hunker down, especially if you don't have warm safe haven for not-quite-feathered fun! Just try to think of what you'd feel like going to get the morning paper in February without your bathrobe and slippers on... BRRRR! Keep reading, looking at the pics on BYC, dreaming, and "improving" your coop/run design while you wait for those pets-with-benefits. IMHO, you'd do well to start with the breeds you mentioned, and maybe add Australorps to the mix- they're sweet and productive.
Indeed it is on the way! Each day I go out into the barn and in the "under construction coop" and see how it feels in there. Thinking about what kind of insulation I could add, seeing/feeling where drafts are coming from. (and they are coming from MOST places right now since I don't have all the walls up!)

That's another reason I'm starting with older birds. I want them fully feathered and more able to deal with winter.

Thank you for the advice on the Australorps!

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