Anyone impatiently waiting for your baby chicks to arrive?!?!

44 Days until my chicks ship.
3 each of
White Leghorn
Gold Sex-Links
Black Australorp

First chicks, working on deconstructing pallets to build coop.
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I'm counting down the days 'til April 27th when our shipment of backyard layers will arrive. 9 chickens, 6 breeds. Just in time to celebrate 1 year keeping chickens! It can't come fast enough, especially since we're going on vacation once the little buggers are in the coop!

I will be celebrating one year of keeping chickens on May 4th. LOVE IT. Looking forward to chicks arriving during spring break and raising a flock from the start to be part of the family.
My EEs are a week old now and they are growing so fast. I only have five and moved them into a bigger brooder already. They were flying around so much, now they have much more room. They are so fun to watch, sometimes when they fall asleep they are all stretched out they look like road kill. And sometimes they just drop and fall asleep and do a face plant. They have not been smelly I mainly smell pine shavings, but I had to raise the water and food dish up higher cause they
Love to sratch so much all the bedding ends up in water and food .

We are waiting for our huge order from Ideal Poultry.

36 Ameracuana pullets
1 Ameracuna rooster
13 Black Australorpe pullets
12 Buff Orpington pullets
1 Buff Orpington rooster
12 Buff Brahma pullets
13 Partridge Rock pullets
1 Partridge Rock rooster
11 White Rock pullets
25 Red Broilers SR
6 Bronze Turkey SR

Sooo can't wait!!!! We lost so many last year, and the rest of our flock is pretty old. So time for some new blood. Due to be here mid April. Thought I've called and begged to have them shipped earlier LOL

I suddenly feel like I under ordered
! I need to go shopping.
I am only allowed 6 hens in my town, but my order is for 15 chicks, I'll be splitting them with a friend. Since I will be brooding them til they are feathered, I get my choice of birds to keep. I ordered 6 different breeds to have a rainbow of egg colors to collect every day. Rainbow seems to be my theme this year, I just ordered a variety of colors of beet, carrot and radish seeds for the garden.
LOL If I could get away with ordering more without my husband finding out I would. This will replace our flock completely, we lost so many last year and have mostly older birds left now. I have some mixed breed chicks I'm selling to help pay for the new ones. I plan on buying more turkeys and ducks next year for the freezer as the ones bought this year will be going in and getting eaten started this fall. Just hope my males are actually males, they don't gurantee the males, only pullets. So here goes nothing LOL

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