Anyone Keep Pet Turkeys? in the thumb of Michigan?


Nov 6, 2023
Through much misfortune, I find myself with 2 adolescent male turkeys and their dad. Their dad chases them around, being mean to them. I don't think I can keep them all. Come spring, they will try to kill each other. I am trying to tame the 2 babies. They are sweet. Their dad, I got as a 2 year old adult and he is still afraid of people. I have over 50 pet birds so it's hard to spend a lot of time with 1 bird. The dad is around 5 years old and is a blue slate. The one baby is probably going to be bronze. I want to keep the very friendly adolescent blue slate. Anyone interested in a pet Tom turkey? Their mom was sold to me as a bronze but was a beautiful Narragansett. She kept laying eggs in nests outside my barn. I would take them before She would set except the last time - I couldn't find her or her nest. Time is up. She is gone. :'(
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