Anyone know how to determine the gender of juvenile peafowl?

Hens lose the barring on the back feathers and the cocks retain it. You can also look at the individual feathers on the back for either multiple bars or single bars. Hens also have that white/cream colored scalloped tips on the feathers on the front of the neck.
Hens lose the barring on the back feathers and the cocks retain it. You can also look at the individual feathers on the back for either multiple bars or single bars. Hens also have that white/cream colored scalloped tips on the feathers on the front of the neck.
Just to confirm it, this is a female correct?
I am fairly new to BYC. Just wanted to let everyone know how wonderful it has been to find this site. My health no longer allows me to raise chickens,something that I grew up doing in the 1950'same. My Dad and aunts/uncles/cousins on my Mother's side of the family had done all of their lives. I miss my girls and the joy that they gave me from the fresh eggs to the different personalities of each hen. So you folks allow me to remember all of the good times throughout the years by sharing your stories. Thanks for allowing me to relive the wonderful memories of the past. To each of you bless you and your girls for bringing a bit of happiness and joy into my life today. Tim Shockley.

Hello, nice to have you here! Welcome to the Peafowl Department!
Here are some pics to use as Guide. These are IB pieds, which is why my Male chick has a few bright white feathers on his shoulders. The other chick is female. Now they older and very easily identified as male and female, but the white back feather allows us see their sex backwards since they hatched. So here are they are.
****The chick with white feathers on his shoulder is male. The brown back chick is female.

Pictures # 1 & 2 are at 47 days old- difference is starting to show- less bars and more muted tone on female chicks wings

Pictures # 4, 5 & 6 are at 75 Days old. Difference is clear as day!
Female on Left, Male on Right

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