anyone know of a fox deterrent?

"you can buy coyote or bobcat urine at a sportsman's store. They sell it for hunting purposes but it keeps away other predators."

Pretty much all wildlife are attracted to any urine--including human urine. The salt content attracts rodents and hooved animals. Predators are not intimidated by the smell of other predator urine, even if from a more aggressive or larger predator. I can trap foxes with both coyote and bobcat urine as an attractant. Human hair may help temporarily, but I doubt it. The fox is around your coop, you go around your coop, your odor has permeated the area and the fox has acclimatized to it.

If you can't trap, then a dog would be a good bet, but the dog needs to be out around the coop all the time. Most adult red fox will not go into a box trap (I don't call them a live trap as a proper foothold trap is also a live trap that will allow the release of an undamaged animal if desired). Juvenile red fox can be caught in a box trap, as can gray foxes.

Fox proof your coop and chicken yard. If they free range and a fox is hunting the area in the daylight, you will loose birds. While they tend to primarily hunt at night, daytime hunting is not uncommon. Remember that all foxes are good diggers. Gray fox are great climbers. Keep that in mind in predator proofing the bird's home.
You can invest in a live trap. You can get a set of 2 at the TSC for around $30. Bait the larger one with some chicken parts, table scraps, or sardines. I've caught a lot of feral cats and possums that way and it will probably work for your fox.
AMEN SISTER!!! Nothing like a unexpected shock to change your mind.....look how many people are scared of electricity, and they know what it is! Besides you can laugh at the critter's new Phylis Diller hairdo
Hi All,

I see online that people advertise audio alarms and lights that deter foxes? I too cannot (nor would want to) kill the fox, so am looking for some other type of deterents. Has anyone had success with any of these products (before I revert to peeing)

I use a powerful flashlight to shoot fox at night I place a red lense over the light after I do this the fox do not realize the light is on them most animals are color blind
I built my first coop & did everything wrong chicken wire & yep staple gun, no apron, you name it. I went back put some heavy duty wire on the bottom some cinder blocks around the run, screws & washers for the wire but still had little confidence in my chicken shack. So, I went & bought hot wire. I felt better. I'm still not satisfied. Since then I have built many more coops but I only use half inch hardware cloth on everything & an apron as well. I attach the cloth using washers & screws. I definately feel that my birds are safe in my new coops. Its definately the way to go. I like hot wire but it can ground out. I'm still gonna go back & finally finish coop number 1 with hardware cloth & an apron. I still to this day worry about my birds in that coop. Here it is.

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