Anyone out there dealing with Lyme Disease or know someone who has? (Advice Needed)

It's not considered a STD, but when it is ACTIVE in the body, it can be sexually transmitted, and even transmitted through blood, but it has to be active. My husband learned about it last week during his Nursing finals, and then researched it, becuase I had Lyme, and do deal with the after effects of it, and last thing we want is for him to contract it. So no it's not listed as an STD, but if it is active in the body, it can be sexually transmitted.
Oh, and just want to say, this is Via Nursing instructors and 2 doctors, so they could be wrong, I just want you to take precautions, as this is apparently fairly new research. Sucks that Lyme is such an unknown disease, becuase it's rampant.
I have never ever heard anyone, in my sixteen years of researching Lyme, say that it could be transmitted sexually. There is some discussion on the subject, but no one has come conclusively to that conclusion with medical proof. There's a lot of speculation out there on the subject, but little concrete proof of much.
So sorry about your husband!

The Dr Phil show recently did a show on people with chronic Lyme disease. They had a dr on the show that believes it is a real disease, and has developed a course of treatment that has helped many patients.
There was also a Dr on who thinks the whole Lyme disease thing is hogwash.
Personally, I think if there is a course of treatment that can help, try it!

My point in all of this: go to the Dr Phil website, if I remember correctly, they were going to post information about Lyme, and possibly even a link to get in touch with the Lyme specialist.

Good luck!
I dont know anything about lyme dieases but I do know what its like to know that somethings WRONG and feel like your pounding your head into a wall getting dr's to listen to you. I have sevral complex , chronic and even potintially fatal issues my self so even though I dont know about this I do know alot about what you and your husband are going thru. I find solice and often needed pick me ups on a special site for people that have chronic or hidden illnesses and I would like to share the link with you.
Some days when Im bad when the 700th odd day of my head ache is wearing me down or Im to wobbly and dizzy to even sit upright I visit that page and find some peace.
Good luck with everything and remmber to listen to your gut regardless of what deggrees or years of experance a dr might have we have lived a life time in our bodies or years with a loved one we know when something isnt right.
I am 25 and had lyme since I was about 23 (possibly 22) not sure when I actually became infected. I was a very healthy, active person and lyme and a coinfection Ehrlichiosis destroyed my health. I missed so much work, was in bed at least one week per month and felt hopeless that I'd ever feel better. I saw an LLMD who refused to put me on IV antibiotics because he felt it was too risky. I trusted him so I remained on different oral antibiotics from Dec 2011 - May 2013. These included Doxycycline, Ceftin, and Suprax. I also tried various natural products at the same time, including A-L Complex (which I don't believe really helped me, but who knows), and supportive supplements including Krill Oil, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, lots of MAGNESIUM (VERY IMPORTANT), 84 billion units of probiotics/day, and coenzyme Q-10. I also pushed myself to exercise as often as I could. My doctor said strength training was best, and not to do cardio until I was on the road to recovery. If I overdid it with cardio, I would feel sick and worn out. My blood sugar was also all out of whack for much of this, I think because of adrenal fatigue, but what do I know. I think my health truly took a turn for the better when I started using Samento and Banderol. I herxed like crazy and my doctor told me to stop taking it because it was triggering my immune system too much. I stopped taking it after about 2 months of use. I started to experience extreme anxiety and panic attacks, which ended up being a side effect of Suprax. I also was experiencing nerve issues and the characteristic lyme symptoms. I stopped taking the antibiotics because of the anxiety/panic it was causing and I thank God that I did because we realized that my lingering symptoms were actually "rare" side effects of the antibiotics, although I don't think they are quite so rare after long-term use. But that's the thing with chronic lyme, it's easy to confuse side effects with symptoms. I've been pretty good since going off antibiotics in May, although my doctor is warning me that it could come back. It has been 2 months and I am still trying to fully bounce back from all of the damage all of this did, but for the most part, I am back at the gym 3 times/week, eating healthy, and continuing probiotics until my healthy bacteria is back to normal. I never thought I'd feel this way again and I think I am on the road to recovery. It is important to make a list of positives and hopeful thoughts and read them each day. I think this positive thinking also played a major role for me. Hope your husband has recovered or has started to recover since your post. I told myself that once I recovered I'd post my success story on threads like this so that others felt hopeful, because the success stories are what kept me optimistic through this crazy battle.
My step son was diagnosed with Lymes disease almost 3 months ago. We never found/saw the tick that infected him, so we had no idea what to think when his legs (specifically his knees) started to bother him. His first trip to the doctor got us an answer of "he's 9, children have "growing pains" he'll be fine. His doctor isn't normally dismissive, so we let it go at first. A week later I wake SS up for school and his knees are so swollen and stiff he can't walk and he has a headache. He laid on the couch and slept the entire day away (which is odd for any 9 year old, but especially him). His blood work was done the next day. The results came back negative for Lyme. Symptoms persisted, so he was tested again, this time with a positive result. The poor guy has been on antibiotics for almost 3 months, and gets probios everyday. He started feeling better immediately though.

If you feel something is wrong, it probably is. And its a darn shame you all but have to push doctors to do their jobs these days! I hope you all figure out what's going on with your husband and he's feeling better again soon. Its extremely stressful to watch your loved ones go downhill and not be able to help them :/
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