Anyone Outside Of Raleigh Getting Ready To Hatch? Got an Incubator?


Yoga...The Chicken Pose
11 Years
Aug 4, 2008
Fuquay Varina, NC
My hens are usually broody by now, but several of them molted recently... so I don't think they will be broody again anytime soon. I've had problem after problem getting quality chicks, or hatching eggs with my broodies. I think its time I collected a few of there eggs, as they will be laying again soon. I would like to know if anyone close by is hatching and would be willing to throw in a few of my chickens eggs to see how they hatch? Maybe trade a few of the chicks. I have a few good quality silkies, and couple pet quality silkies. White, Black and Buff hen, but only a white rooster who is ideal quality (I'll be showing him for sure)!


Let me know! That would be wonderful
Plus I would get to know more local chicken lovers.
I sure wish you luck in finding someone closer to hatch your eggs We are stabilizing our home made incubator to hatch for the 1st time for Easter. We live out on the coast near Swansboro. Everyone is getting chick fever.
I'll be glad to hatch some for you. It will be the first of May if that's not a problem. I can hatch up to 24 for you in the homemade Vino-temp. If you need more I should be through moving my incubator/brooder room and get the Dickey's set back up and running in June, then I can hatch all you want(up to 288 LOL). I won't be able to brood them though because I have chicks coming somewhere between the 1st. and the middle of May, so you would need to come get them after they hatch. I will not charge you anything to do this, I don't need anymore chicks than what I will be getting in. I enjoy hatching so it will give me a little something more to do and keep me occupied while I am brooding my new chicks. Just let me know.

EDIT: Forgot to add, I am in Apex, near highways 55 and 64.
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Hi Marty!

That would be wonderful! Good timing too I think. My girls are not back to laying yet from molting, and it will probably be a couple more weeks before they are at routine. 24 is WAY more then enough. I may only have 12. I have 2 birds I'm not really hoping to hatch from, so I'm going to try to collect eggs from everyone but them.

I've wanted to have at least 8 hens for the last couple of years, and somehow only have 4 total. Not having the best of luck.

I'm so going to get an incubator one day, but I need more laying ladies to make it worth it.
I will Pm you so I don't forget. You are not that far from me, so its perfect. I'm off 55 in Fuquay so at least we're off the same hwy.

Don't worry about brooding, I have a whole brooder set up just waiting! I occasionally end up with ducklings no problem, so its always in the bathroom ready to go. In fact, my pekin looks like she's getting ready to sit on a nest from watching her yesterday. Maybe I'll have some ducklings to keep me busy in April.


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