Anyone purchase Manderin Ducks from eFowl?


8 Years
Feb 5, 2011
Central, LA
I was wondering if anyone has bought Manderin Ducks from eFowl? How was your experience? Was there a minimum purchase or or were you able to just buy a pair? Any pics of your birds? How many eggs are you getting? I am very interested in getting a breeding pair, but I'm wondering if I should just seek out a local breeder? Any advice or experiences is welcomed!
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Efowl is a middle man and doesn't house/breed what they sell. It looks like you are in LA you should check with LAmike or DestinDuck or Linda Zeagler for a mandarin pair. We also have multiple pairs, but this is their first year together so I am crossing fingers hoping they do something.
Efowl is a middle man and doesn't house/breed what they sell. It looks like you are in LA you should check with LAmike or DestinDuck or Linda Zeagler for a mandarin pair. We also have multiple pairs, but this is their first year together so I am crossing fingers hoping they do something.

Thanks, I've talked to LAMike already, he's about 2 hours away. I'm in south Louisiana. But I will contact the others
Welcome, Linda is in GA you can find her on here as well her web site she might still have 2011 pairs available.

DestinDuck is on here sometimes and is located in FL. Good luck on your search.
Is it possible to just get one? Mandarin's are my favorite's by far.

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