Anyone setting eggs 1/19/11?

Just let me know!

Give some to Bob when you see him and he will give them to me LOL! Such a great guy and I love his wife! She is so sweet!

What am I planning on doing with them? Make some Olive Egger babies! So any of your culled pullets will fit the bill.
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It will be awhile before anything will be at the cull stage, but you will be the first to know when there are some!
Well. I set a big batch last night, 116 eggs. Ths batch is due on Feb.17th. Candled a few of the 1/19 batch, could see some develping going to wait till Monday to candle all of the 1/19 batch and discard the duds.

How is everyones hatches going?

so far, out of 36 eggs placed in the bator, at least 33 of them are definitely developing. One I can't see through the shell well enough on to tell, another one I am pretty sure has quit, and the first removed egg had a bacterial ring... so far it looks like I should have at least a 91.67% hatch rate
I just found this thread I set my first batch of eggs ever in my life on the 16th. I built my incubator from several designs combined . Its not high tech I just hope its working. I cant see through the eggs when I tryed to candle them so Im going on faith and beginners luck. Temp has been 100 to 99 except when opening to fill water dropped to 95 for a few minutes , OK i am just nervous nobody in my house cares about chickens and I get a little excited when I get to talk about them.... thanks for listening... oh I set 45 mixed batch .BG,BO,EE,BA
Well, here is the list of progress of the 36 mixed breed chicken eggs in my LG bator on Day 10:
Group 1 was collected within 4 days prior to incubation
1-A(pure BLRW):


1-C through Q(various hens/BLRW roo):

= bacterial ring
1-S through V(various hens/BLRW roo):

hard to see due to the pores in the shell

Group 2 was sitting in my basement for minimum of 2 weeks
2-A through L(EE/with BG or BLRW roo):
I am ABSOLUTELY shocked that every egg in this group is developing properly, given how long the eggs were just setting in my basement!
I candled the first batch of eggs that were set on 1/19 and here is how fertility is looking:

# eggs Breed # fertile
4 Bantam cochins (ours) 0
11 RIR (ours) 5
33 RIR (shipped) 25
1 silkie (shipped bonus egg) 1
1 RIR bantam (shipped bonus egg) 0
50 eggs total 31 eggs fertile and growing

We are off to a pretty good start for the first batch. I will candle the 2nd batch of eggs on Tues. We are probably going to have to trim them fluffy butts on the bantam cochins. Still pretty good for January in Illinois. I am just happy they are laying.


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