Anyone up for a Hatchalong?

Woke up yesterday to beautiful baby emu and the other three eggs are wiggleing like crazy. One of the is tapping on the shell do I intervine or just let it do its thing? How long do I wait before I help? What should they eat when they first hatch? Is medicated feed going to hurt them? Thanks to all for the answers. Will post pictures later.
This is day 22! Almost half way on my first 2 eggs! :ya Tomorrow I will be weighing my other 3 eggs for their 2nd weighing.

I weighed the eggs this morning-

original weight-

D- 604g
E- 630g

2nd weight-

D- 592g lost 12 grams
E- 614g lost 16 grams

3rd weight-

D- 578g lost 14 grams
E- 598g lost 16 grams

Current weight-

D- 566g lost 12 grams
E-580g lost 18 grams

Egg D lost 36 grams total
Egg E lost 50 grams total
This is day 22! Almost half way on my first 2 eggs!
Tomorrow I will be weighing my other 3 eggs for their 2nd weighing.

I weighed the eggs this morning-

original weight-

D- 604g
E- 630g

2nd weight-

D- 592g lost 12 grams
E- 614g lost 16 grams

3rd weight-

D- 578g lost 14 grams
E- 598g lost 16 grams

Current weight-

D- 566g lost 12 grams
E-580g lost 18 grams

Egg D lost 36 grams total
Egg E lost 50 grams total
Weight loss at 3 weeks:

Egg D
604 - 566 = 38
38 / 604 = .063 = 6.3%

Egg E
630 - 580 = 50
50 / 630 = .0793 = 7.9%
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still havent pipon his own, day 51 today, what should I do,please hellp, he is breathing and I can hear him moving and his peeps but cannot breack the shell, now from the hole I made has passed 24 hours HELLLLPPPPPPP

can you see the chick through the hole?... I'm not sure how big the hole is that you made.. just wondering if he has pipped through the membrane yet or not
Woke up yesterday to beautiful baby emu and the other three eggs are wiggleing like crazy. One of the is tapping on the shell do I intervine or just let it do its thing? How long do I wait before I help? What should they eat when they first hatch? Is medicated feed going to hurt them? Thanks to all for the answers. Will post pictures later.

what day are they on and at what temperature did you incubate? Were they in the same incubator as the chicks who have hatched?

Some chicks come a few days early.. and some are a few days late.. usually if they are still wiggling strongly they are doing ok and you really don't need to intervene..

If any of the chicks that have hatched were really red around their eyes at hatch then you may want to drill a small hole into the air cell end of the eggs that haven't pipped yet to allow for more oxygen to reach the chicks. It's usually not needed unless there is a problem with not enough oxygen getting to the eggs.

when they first hatch they usually don't eat for a few days.. I offer water on day 2 (with a little chopped spinach or kale floating on the top to encourage them to peck at it).. then I offer chopped greens (kale, collards and spinach) the next day.. with emu chicks you don't want to give them a lot of protein since it will cause them to grow too quickly and then their legs end up not being able to support all that weight.. so give them plenty of greens with just a sprinkling of layer crumbles mixed in.. you can also start to add in a little grated carrot and finely chopped apples.
After the first week you can switch them over to a mix of 50/50 rabbit pellets (alfalfa should be the main ingredient in the rabbit pellets) and layer pellets.. and still give greens as a treat if you want. Layer pellets are usually given instead of chick starter since the emu chicks need the extra calcium. If you are afraid they aren't getting enough nutrition you can add a pinch of chick starter.. but so long as they get the vitamins through either their water or greens they should be fine. So far none of my chicks have developed any leg problems.. so I must be doing something right as far as their nutrition is concerned.
For their water, I add save-a-chick or other electrolyte formula for the first few days and then go to every other day after a week or so...

I've never used medicated feed.. so I can't say for sure.. however I am assuming your medicated feed is chick starter and they really don't need it.. use layer crumbles instead if you have any
yes yinepu, he is right outside the membrane as I see him moving close to the hole and breathing

ok.. does he still wiggle strong?.. or does the egg barely move when he wiggles?

if the wiggle is still strong I would play the waiting game and give him more time.. if the wiggle is very very weak you may need to assist.. however be warned .. assisting a weak chick doesn't mean it will live.. and assisting one that doesn't need help is almost as bad since that can lead to broken blood vessels or unabsorbed yolk
Quote: Weight loss at 3 weeks:

Egg D
604 - 566 = 38
38 / 604 = .063 = 6.3%

Egg E
630 - 580 = 50
50 / 630 = .0793 = 7.9%
Thanks Kathy! Since this is almost the half way mark, and the weight loss is about half way, right? At hatch egg D would be 12.6%, and egg E would be 16%? Next week weight loss might be less, as I had moved them to a different incubator with a lower temp.
Thanks Kathy!
Since this is almost the half way mark, and the weight loss is about half way, right? At hatch egg D would be 12.6%, and egg E would be 16%?
Next week weight loss might be less, as I had moved them to a different incubator with a lower temp.
weigh loss can vary from week to week...
looking over the eggs I have hatched out.. none stayed with the exact same amount of loss for every week.. some ranged from 9 grams a week to 12 grams.. others went from 11 to 14 grams in any given week
Well I will play the waiting game as he is loud and wiggling hard, but not as yesterday, I dont want to assist as when I assist at least chickens, when they are almost out and got stuck on their wacky stuff, Once I wasnt too expert and killa few as they wasnt prepared, yolk sack was half way absorbed, things like that, now I look closer, if I see blood, I wrap the egg as a burrito with moist towels and wait a few more hours, But with emus OMG its different, well you can correct me if im wrong, they do not has the stiky stuff the chicks got stick to the egg and the membrane ir emus does???

ok.. does he still wiggle strong?.. or does the egg barely move when he wiggles?

if the wiggle is still strong I would play the waiting game and give him more time.. if the wiggle is very very weak you may need to assist.. however be warned .. assisting a weak chick doesn't mean it will live.. and assisting one that doesn't need help is almost as bad since that can lead to broken blood vessels or unabsorbed yolk

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