Jan 3, 2012 #2 The Chickeneer ~A Morning's Crow~ 9 Years Jan 9, 2011 976 52 138 Central Valley California Its a chicken!! PS:no idea what breed it is though
Jan 3, 2012 #3 Illia Crazy for Colors 10 Years Oct 19, 2009 16,240 290 336 Forks, WA Sorry but the photo doesn't help. Looks like a pullet, has a rose comb, a mutt-type or brassy-back color, . . . Possibly bantam of some sort, . . . ?
Sorry but the photo doesn't help. Looks like a pullet, has a rose comb, a mutt-type or brassy-back color, . . . Possibly bantam of some sort, . . . ?
Jan 3, 2012 Thread starter #4 ChickenPrnces Songster 8 Years Jan 2, 2012 451 8 101 Deerfield, NH Yeah she came with a few other bantams of the same type look! One turned out to be a roo! One seems to be a Silver Laced Wyandotte! Not sure of this one or the last one!
Yeah she came with a few other bantams of the same type look! One turned out to be a roo! One seems to be a Silver Laced Wyandotte! Not sure of this one or the last one!
Jan 4, 2012 #5 partsRheavy Songster 8 Years Jul 28, 2011 283 13 108 She looks like she's part Easter Egger. Does she lay anything?
Jan 4, 2012 #6 stormylady Songster 11 Years Dec 27, 2008 2,657 20 191 Illinois pictures in the light would probably help alot in the identity.
Jan 4, 2012 Thread starter #7 ChickenPrnces Songster 8 Years Jan 2, 2012 451 8 101 Deerfield, NH She has not started laying which is also weird to me because she is supposedly about 8 months old!
Jan 5, 2012 #8 partsRheavy Songster 8 Years Jul 28, 2011 283 13 108 EE's are known to start laying late sometimes. Consider the short daylength and give her some time......
EE's are known to start laying late sometimes. Consider the short daylength and give her some time......