Anyone want to go in with me on an order of chicks?


12 Years
Jul 22, 2007
Southwest VA
DH said no more incubating eggs for me this year
. I was supposed to go in with someone and she was going to incubate some eggs for me, that fell through. So, I'm left with ordering chicks.

So, would anyone near me like to go in on an order? I will be ordering in the next 2 wks (if dh approves). I'm thinking of going through either Ideal or Privett.

PM me if interested

My zip is 24228, travelling towards the Smoky Mtns in November, travel to the Tri-cities and Pikeville areas frequently so I could always meet you
He's been very accommodating this year. The incubator has been running since May, in our bathroom, sometimes 3 at a time, the chicks stay in the house in our bathroom until they are about 2 months old, then they go out. He helps with all the feeding and watering, checking humidity, everything I do, he does too. Plus, our electric bill is usually $70 this time of year, it's been $270 for months
Wow, i take that back! i guess i was thinking of my DH who isn't really involved at all. And had no idea you have been so industrious this year. i can totally understand now how your DH would like a bit of a break.

Good luck with your chick order!

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