Anyone who vaccinates their day-olds...?


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
Can you give me any feedback on vaccinating for Marek's? I'd like any feedback such as:

When exactly do you vaccinate?

What should I watch for after vaccinating, if anything?

Once vaccinated, I need to feed NON-medicated chick starter, correct?

Any methods or tips on the actual vaccination process?

Thanks so much!
Thanks much, BlackO, and
What he said.

You vaccinate on the first day for Marek's (et al).

You do not give medicated feed to chickens which had the coccidiossis vacine. Two different things there.
My daughter and I vaccinated our chicks. We found it super easy, with out ever having done this sort of thing before.

Our chicks are silkies, so they are small and thin. We did find we accidently went through the skin on both sides, so ended up vaccinating the air, so to speak.

I got advice from the vet at UC Davis- thank goodness she was so nice! She even warned me about going too far with the needle and missing the chick with the vaccine. She said not to worry, even if we did, the vaccine is in the brooder with them, and it will help for their antibodies.

The Marek's production company talked to me too, and their scientist said it was good to have vaccine on the property, as any potential live vaccine that was around would help any birds who came into contact with it to form their own antibodies.

Both places said to vaccinate day one. I did not think to clarify that- is day one hatch day or the next? I guessed the next, as they would have said hatch day.

Both said even as much as two weeks later would be ok, but no later, as the vaccine would not be effective. I do not know why, even with my science background.

As far as symptoms, there really were none listed. My chicks did not react to the shot or the vaccine in any way that I could see.

Hope this helps!
Wow - thanks, all, for the info. I've been worried about doing vaccinations on such a tiny critter. Not an issue doing them on my horses, but you have to jab pretty hard and go in pretty deep...much different!

I priced the vaccine from First State Vet supply - that's the only place I could find it, and have found that it will be extremely costly for me to vaccinate. You have to purchase a special, styrofoam shipping container through them, and LSS, the total cost for the syringes/needles, vaccine, and shipping container is around $60. And, once you mix it up, it's only good for ONE HOUR. So, it's not like you could use it for more than one hatch. For me, it will be cost prohibitive, so I've decided not to vaccinate. Also, the vaccine they list for respiratory issues is EXTREMELY pricey, over $100, so I won't be able to do that one, either. Sigh.

If anyone has info. on where to purchase these vaccines that may be less expensive, please do let me know. Thanks!
I buy my Marek's vaccine from here:

They are fast and inexpensive. They also don't rip you off on the shipping. Once you vaccinate, do a strict quarantine for at least 10 days. Keep the babies in the house and totally unexposed to your older birds. When you come inside after taking care of the older ones, change your clothes and wash your hands before handling the babies. Make sure all of your brooder equipment is totally sanitized before the babies go in. When you give the shot, just put it right under the skin.
The other day I ordered a batch of Marek's vaccine, two syringes (can't forget to order those), and two packages of antibitiotic (just to have on hand) and I think my total including shipping was about $35. Like I said in the previous post, try Twin City Poultry Supply. I have ordered from them before and been happy with them.
THANKS SO MUCH, Horsejody! I was hopeful there was some place else that sold it for less. I wondered why First State didn't do the gel packs, like so many places do with horse vaccines, but I thought maybe chicken vaccines were somehow different. Anywho...thanks a bunch, I really appreciate the info.!

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