Anything Wrong With Opossums in My Yard?


Slightly Touched
9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
New Hampshire
Lately at night I've noticed an Opossum hanging out in my yard. He just walks around and minds his own business, not bothered by my presence in the least. I was wondering if there are any concerns I should have? I don't have garbage out there for him to disrupt, but is there anything else I should know? Any bad experiences with them or are they harmless as long as garbage and/or food isn't left out? Here's what I found, I don't even know if they are in my area.
Well, I'm not too worried about the chickens because their coop is like Fort Knox. It would take a bear to get into it. I was just wondering if they caused damage, etc., but thanks for the warning!
I think they can sometimes get into your veggies and things. They definitely are a hazard to chickens.
My coop is secure enough that I don't dispatch the possums simply for roaming around my property.

Other people in my area have problems with them making themselves at home - building nests in attics and such, so everyone just has to do what they have to do.
They are definitely opportunistic; if given the opportunity at best they will just raid your feeder, and at worst will kill your chicks, if there is any way they can get to them, and they will try. Also, many people have lost adult birds to opossum’s. I have a zero predator policy; In my opinion the pros of removing predators out way the cons. It is just no fun coming out to dead, ½ eaten birds, or a pile of feathers. I’d get rid of him 4 sure.
Possums will eat eggs and kill chickens. One killed 10 of 16 four month olds chicks I had in a 4' dog pen right next to my front door. A pullet that survived lost her eye. They can easily climb fences; not as crafty as racoons but deadly to chickens.

I used to let them be but no more!
You don't have horses, do you?
Opossums carry the Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis virus. So a little bitty 'possum can kill horses. They can be pretty rough on chickens, too.
I still think 'possums are cute, though.


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